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Vianney Academy:
The Our Kids Report > Reviews
Grades SK TO Gr. 12 — Mississauga, ON (Map)

Vianney Academy:

REVIEW OF Vianney Academy BY parent, Susanna Beghin

  • Date of Review
    June 30, 2021
  • Grades
    Gr. 1 - Gr. 8

(5) Student Experience

Vianney Academy was a life saver for our family. My son had trouble attending in a regular classroom in a publicly funded school. The class sizes were too big and he could not concentrate or learn well. He was constantly in trouble because he was easily distracted. As a result, he hated school. After we made the switch, he actually loves to go to school. He treasures the close friendships he has made and truly loves his teacher! Our son likes the freedom he has to learn at his own pace which makes learning more fun for him. He enjoys Science the best as they really get to learn in a hands on way. Vianney delivers quality education with a caring attitude!

(5) School Leadership

The founder, Karen, has been like family to us! She is so connected with all the children at Vianney and sincerely helps each one of them to achieve their goals. You can tell she puts her whole self and her whole heart into the children's learning and success. She has created a school where children can thrive while being themselves. Whenever there is a problem or issue, she addresses it quickly and ensures that everyone is satisfied. The leadership is closely connected to the students and parents which is nice to see!

(5) Teaching

When we switched to Vianney, our lives changed! My child was able to sit with the teacher and actually learn at his own pace! The teachers have always been warm, caring and focused on results! They want to ensure that every student learns the basics - reading, writing and math! It brings tears to my eyes now when I see the progress my child has made at Vianney. He can read chapter books and he often boasts about getting 100% on his math tests. My son enjoys participating in the hands-on activities as well. He loves the science curriculum being offered. In addition to academics, my son is learning social skills through positive child guidance. He also can participate in some therapies that are offered at the school.

(5) Academics

Vianney has a strong academic program focused on the basics of reading, writing and math. However, we also love the focus on science, nature, technology and physical activity which is incorporated into the child's day. Vianney uses great strategies to teach academic concepts in a way that children can understand. We like how every child is treated uniquely and has their own learning path or plan. For any child with a learning disability, it helps a lot to have an individual learning plan. We are confident that our son could not have learned all that he has over the years, without the help of Vianney and their amazing teachers and program.

(5) Extracurriculars

Vianney is a small school and therefore, it is a very close knit community. They offer many opportunities to explore outside the school. They go out into nature, they go to a park, they go bowling or other fun field trips. Although they have a strong academic program, they balance it with a lot of fun activities that children enjoy.

(5) Students

Vianney is a small school with less than 50 students. When there are school events, almost all families participate because it is a very close community of people that feels like a family. The students develop close friendships because of the small class sizes. They even develop friendships with children at other grade levels which helps them to grow and learn from both younger and older children. There is an atmosphere of caring and giving in the student body and their families. Many families have given of their time to help out with various events and fundraising initiatives to help other students and families. There is a sense of friendship and positive spirit which is contagious among the students and their families.

(5) School Life

Before we found Vianney, our son did not like school. He often complained about going to school. Now, we see a completely different attitude. He loves going to school because he is allowed to learn at his own pace. He is respected and valued for his talents and gifts. He has made strong friendships which have lasted for many years. He loves his teachers over the years as they have helped him to overcome obstacles to learning and helped him to excel in many areas. They have tirelessly worked with him to help him achieve success in many subject areas. We thank Vianney for all they have done to help him succeed. We have seen the progression over the years and we are so thrilled with his progress.

(5) Community

As a small school, the administrators keep us as parents involved in the program. They are able to communicate to us in a timely way and also ask us for feedback and assistance when needed. We get to be involved at their own pace and as much as we want to or can do. There is no pressure to get involved if you don't want to, but we find that many parents are involved because they enjoy it and want to help out when there is a need. We have gotten to know some other parents and we have developed some relationships with them. When we see each other at the events, we are happy to spend time together as part of the Vianney community.

(5) School Location

Vianney is conveniently located in Mississauga next to my work location so I enjoy the easy commute to drop off and pick up my child. Students often go on field trips off the school property. For example, they go to a swim school for a swimming class or to the library to get books. I like that my child is going into the community and experiencing community programs outside of the school.


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THE OUR KIDS REPORT: Vianney Academy

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