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TFS - Canada's International School:
The Our Kids Report > Student Body
Grades Nursery/Toddler TO Gr. 12 — Toronto, ON (Map)

TFS - Canada's International School:

TFS - Canada's International School Student Body

Private schools come in all shapes and sizes. Some larger schools have enrolment numbers in the thousands, while some smaller schools have only a few dozen students. Besides the overall size of a school, learn here about other important factors including its enrolment for different streams, its average class size, and its average enrolment per grade.

Enrolment Details

GradesGenderLiving ArrangementEnrolment
Nursery/Toddler to Gr. 12 Coed Day 1500

Key Numbers

Total enrolment 1,500
Average class size12 to 22
% of international students (total enrolment)5%
Number of different nationalities within student population40

Student Distribution

TFS - Canada's International School's student makeup. Learn this school's total enrolment, average class size, and percentage of international students.

Day Enrolment3050708080888888889090105105959595
Class Size5111416162222222222222222202020

THE OUR KIDS REPORT: TFS - Canada's International School

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