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Open houses at private schools in Poland

Learn what Poland private schools and kindergartens have to offer at open houses

Open houses or Open days in Polish schools (public and non-public) are organized annually from October through May. It’s a time when both kids and parents can get acquainted with a school, and what it has to offer.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools have shifted their open house dates and admissions weekends to virtual events and meetings. Please contact your schools of interest directly to inquire about admissions information and set up a virtual meeting. Currently posted LIVE events may be delayed or cancelled.  continue reading...

When What School Where
1 May 18, 2024
od 09:30 am - 01:00 pm
Open Day Middle and High School Lycée français de Varsovie, primary and secondary education Walecznych 4/6, Warszawa, 03-916

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Typically, school open houses involve a visit, a tour, and speaking with teachers and students. They sometimes also have Q & As (Question and Answer periods). In recent years, the form of open houses (or “open door day”) in Poland private schools and kindergartens has changed. They now offer not only the opportunity to visit a school, see classrooms, and talk to teachers. They’re also rich in additional events and programs.

Open house days

Open houses or “open days” are organized by schools at all levels of education, in kindergartens, primary schools, middle schools, and high schools. There’s no obligation to organize open door days, but more and more schools are doing it. Various types of entertainment events aim to show students and their parents that the school is not only a place where classes are offered.

Schools provide students with numerous opportunities to pursue interests and passions. Private schools offer performances, multimedia learning sessions, and other interesting activities. Open houses schools and kindergartens in Poland are offering more and more opportunity for students themselves to be involved.

For younger children, there are activities such as face painting, art workshops, dance shows, music classes, pony rides, movement and dance, language games, and sports games. Sometimes there are also shows, competitions, sweet treats, and children may get a small gift at the end.

Each school wants to distinguish itself. Teachers and students every year show how their school is unique and innovative in various ways. In some places, picnics have become a tradition, during which the idyllic atmosphere prevails. Others offer various types of presentations and lectures, with the main goal of being informative.

What is the guiding principle in choosing a school? What are good questions to ask at open day events?

The best school for a child is not always the one you went to. Although you may have great memories, over the years a lot could change, both good and bad. A good school for a child is also not necessarily the one that is closest to where you live. In some situations, a longer route to school may involve greater benefits for your child. School should be chosen consciously.

It's good to visit several schools during open days. It will be great material for comparison. There are more and more alternative schools, language, catholic, international, social, Montessori, Waldorf schools or schools with an international baccalaureate program. All of these are popular choices.

You can choose a day school or boarding school. If you have several visits in your plans, it's good if you prepare questions for teachers and school management. Among the list of questions should include the curriculum, school successes, opportunities to participate in out-of-school activities, as well as questions related to the safety of students. It's worth finding out if there is a student rights ombudsman in the institution and what are the methods of resolving conflicts.

Other examples of interesting events during open houses

During open houses in schools you can find such interesting initiatives as music and vocal shows, tournaments and quizzes for entire families, sports games, and thematic shows. Their common denominator is that they are interesting, engaging, and remembered for a long time. Open days at schools often take place in the fall and spring.

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