Il serait intéressant de prendre connaissance du mot de remerciement et d’encouragement de Madame Anne-Marie Rabasca, Expo Manager, OUR KIDS MEDIA au sujet de l’Expo qui a eu lieu dimanche 6 octobre courant et à laquelle l’Académie Providence prit part :
Hello Ottawa exhibitors,
“We’d like to extend a great big “thank you” for your presence and for giving it So many happy families attended the event – 109 to be exact!
Numerous parents thanked us for hosting an event where they felt they had many “quality” conversations with the schools. More than a few of you let us know that you felt the questions parents were asking this year seemed more researched than in the past. We believe the frequent updates we make to our website, including our content pages, have contributed to this rise in more focused parents asking on-point questions. Of course, the event would not exist without your participation and enthusiasm that helps set the tone and makes it such a great experience. In addition to the very encouraging feedback from parents who attended the event, we also appreciate hearing your thoughts.
By all means, please feel free to respond to this email with any further comments about what went well / what didn’t go well, or any suggestions you may have for next year’s event.
Again, thanks very much for placing your trust in Our Kids.”
Anne Marie Rabasca
Office | Expo Manager, OUR KIDS MEDIA