Speech of the Principal
What an honor and privilege to have had for the 2015 end of the school year show and the ceremony of graduation , Mother Judith Haroun, Superior General of the Antonine Sisters !
The theme of this celebration, "Fly to the world", allowed our students not only to move towards wider horizons with a mind and heart open to the world, but also to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the cultural world, near and far, while progressing towards the end of a successful school year in a friendly and joyful community atmosphere.
Thus, as the school year progressed, a cultural program, part of the social studies and the arts education, allowed our students not only to develop their openness to the world and compliance with any other culture, but also to live joyful moments preparing to celebrate different festivities related to music and dance. All this was accompanied by a variety of classical and folk dances testifying at once the artistic and cultural talents of our students as well as the mentoring and professionalism of our teaching team.
With our cordial congratulations to the parents and teachers and our hopes that many graduations will take place at the Providence Academy for the years to come, we wish our graduates an ever growing success and we thank the members of the parent committee and the teaching staff, especially Cycle 1 teachers, Mrs. Samira Sader, Mrs. May Boutros ans Mr. Toni Yazbec, for all the support that promotes the development of our students and their success.