“I will never forget the days spent together at the Providence Academy… I would miss you so much that I would cry.”
Jason Mansour, au nom de ses camarades, a voulu adresser les remerciements au concierge de l’Académie : « Cher Monsieur Luc ! Au nom de la classe de 6ème nous vous remercions pour avoir gardé notre école toute propre. Vous êtes ici avant nous pour veiller à cela. Un grand merci du fond du cœur ! »
Nicolas Daoud a opté pour dire un mot d’adieu aux camarades : Dear friends! These 9 years spent together made us understand each other inside out. When we are down, we all support each other and try to lift our spirits up. And don’t forget, when one of us is happy, we all are happy. Personally, I will never forget the pranks we did to each other, particularly the time you hid my desk on April fool’s day. I will cherish and smile upon this memory every year.
I will never forget the days spent together at the Providence Academy, and the sadness of watching you part away on summer breaks. When you guys leave, it is like a part of me being ripped out. I would miss you so much that I would cry.
This year, it is my pleasure to say that we did it. We graduated from this place that brought us all together for an everlasting friendship.
I would like to thank you so much for all these amazing and great years we had together and for many more to come. I assure you that I will never forget you. I wish all of you good luck, especially Brandon. I will never forget you, dear friends.”