An exciting upcoming event planned by the Parents’ Committee.
As it has been a tradition at Providence Academy for the Parents’ Committee to hold a dinner for friends and families to celebrate the festivity of this time of year, the tradition lives on with another successful event to take place on January 20, 2018. This date was symbolically chosen in honour of St. Anthony the Great and that time of the year in which the Antonine Sisters’ Congregation celebrates and recognizes our famous saint Anthony of the Desert.
“Building on the success of previous years, this event not only allows us to nurture a strong and supportive community that we are blessed to enjoy here at Providence Academy, but it is an event that we leverage to reach out and thank the supporters and benefactors of our school.”
This year, the Parents’ Committee, with the encouragement and support of the Providence Academy, is extending their invitation for the parents to join them in dining and celebration. This invitation includes their children.
Thanks to the members of parents’committee for their initiative and best wishes for a successful event !