REVIEW OF Lynn-Rose School BY parent, Sabine Kussmann
- Date of Review
February 21, 2018 - Grades
JK - Gr. 3
(5) Student Experience
My sons love the school and have had a wonderful experience. They like the warm and and positive school atmosphere. They feel valued and respected as unique individuals. They know that the teachers and administration care about their happiness and well-being in addition to their academics. Both my sons like the hands on learning opportunities that their teachers provide and that their classes are challenging, but also fun. They feel supported in taking risks and being inquisitive about their subjects and their community. My older son really likes science and several times throughout the year, his class has had the "Scientists in the Classroom" program and all the students got to participate in fascinating science experiments. Another highlight for them has been the physical education program, which includes swimming, gymnastics, martial arts, yoga, dance and a variety of team sports.
(5) School Leadership
The school administration is fantastic. They really get to know each student and their unique learning styles and needs. They treat each student with respect and encourage the students to treat others with kindness as well. Their focus is on building a positive school environment, not just within in the school but within the local community as well. They inspire an eagerness to learn for the students and guide them to be open-minded and to strive to make a difference in their community. Any issues that come up during the day are addressed immediately, through either a phone call, email or hard copy letter to the parents, which I really appreciate. They make every effort to resolve any issues and strive to make sure that the students and the parents are satisfied. The administration welcomes the students and parents to communicate openly with them. Even for minor issues like when my son's teacher let me know that she felt that my son was getting hungry by the end of the school and requested that I pack additional snacks for him. Or when my older son spoke unkindly to a classmate, he had to complete a "THINK" sheet during his recess, to encourage him to reflect on how his words and actions impacted the other student. Their focus is to motivate students to make good choices and to be the best that they could be.
(5) Teaching
Every teacher that my sons have had, has been passionate about their profession. They make every effort to foster an enriching and fun learning environment and tailor the curriculum to the students' interests and needs. The teachers collaborate with the student and parents to ensure that each student is reaching their full potential. They believe in the students' potential and challenge and motivate them to become the best that they can be. All the teachers my sons have had were kind, patient, and care about them, not only on an academic basis, but personally as well. The teachers are great about communicating with the parents on a regular basis about their child's progress and any issues that come up. Some examples that really impressed me over the years was when my son's SK teacher found out that my son was really interested in spaceships and astronomy and then she spontaneously added a unit about astronomy and space into the curriculum and had the class build "jet pack" during art. My son was thrilled! Also in Grade 2, my son's teacher worked with him to improve his printing by creating special printing sheets for him for practice. In Grade 3 my son needed extra support in reading, so the teacher worked with him on special reading exercises. My younger son's teachers have also been incredible with him in accommodating his special needs. They explore ways to help him learn and are committed to making sure that he is thriving in the classroom.
(5) Academics
The academic program focuses on developing inquiring, knowledgeable and well-rounded individuals. They encourage students to think independently, take risks and care about each other and their community. There is a strong emphasis on developing a solid foundation on math and language for the students and also incorporating a stimulating learning experience in science, arts and physical education. The academic program is challenging, but the teachers work closely with the students to develop their confidence so that they can be successful. They are also encouraged to learn and maintain good work and study habits in the junior grades so that they can manage as the learning material and workload becomes more complex at the senior level. As an International Baccalaureate school, part of the academic focus is on developing cultural awareness, and encouraging students to take an interest in global issues. In addition to the strong academic focus, there is an underlying theme of character development for the students, which I feel is essential for a successful future for my sons.
(5) Extracurriculars
There is a wide variety of extracurricular activities for students to engage in at Lynn-Rose. My sons love participating in the school clubs such as the spelling bee club, Lego, art, dance and yoga. My older son always looked forward to Lego club and the spelling bee club is enriching his spelling skills while he gets to engage in friendly competition during the spelling bees. My younger son loves Mondays at school because he has art club or dance. Each term the students have the opportunity to participate in a different club of their choice. It's great that these club are offered during lunch time recess, which is much more convenient than after school! The school also has a choir, an instrumental band, and students can join a variety of intramural sports leagues. My older son loves playing on the basketball and soccer team and last year he also participated in on a cross-country running race with the school, which he really enjoyed. Every spring the school also puts on a fantastic theatrical production and each student from Grade 1 onward has the opportunity to participate.
(5) Students
The student body fosters an atmosphere of kindness, caring and respect for their peers, teachers, the administration and their community. They take pride in their school, academics and personal development. I like that the students have various opportunities to interact with each other. For example, my son's Grade 3 class got partnered up with students in Junior Kindergarten and they would read to their student buddies. Also last year my son's Grade 2 class got together with the Kindergarten class during gym class to teach the younger students various sports drills. The senior students are also encouraged to help out with the younger students during lunch time preparation or helping them get packed up after school. The senior students also put on various initiatives and fundraisers as part of their IB program requirements. For example they organized an after school movie night, where the student gathered in the school gym to watch a movie with drinks and snacks.
(5) School Life
My sons love going to school at Lynn Rose as it is a very nurturing, friendly and caring environment. There are so many opportunities for personal growth so that each student can thrive academically, emotionally and socially. They are treated as unique individuals and the school strives to accommodate the specific needs of each student. The students are inspired to learn not just through the academic program but from each other. There are so many fun activities such as pizza days, popcorn days, school spirit days and school excursions. Although my sons love all of these activities and theme days, as a parent it is sometimes challenging to keep track of these on the monthly calendar. I appreciate the collaborative approach of the school and offering a variety of opportunities for students to engage in their journey to becoming educated and well-rounded individuals.
(5) Community
Lynn Rose actively encourages parents to be involved in the school. The school puts on various annual functions throughout the year, and welcome families to attend, such as French cafe, (which exhibits the school's French and music program), the annual winter concert, the Music and Art gallery as well as a fantastic spring theatre production. There are also various fundraisers and initiatives for the students to give back to the community. For example the annual Terry Fox run, "We Scare Hunger" campaign during Halloween and school spirit days to support the "Free the Children/WE charity". I think it's great that in addition to participating in these campaigns, they also learn about the background of the campaign and why they are important. For example for the Terry Fox run, both my sons who still in the junior grades, were inspired to learn about Terry Fox's life and how he founded his Marathon of Hope.
(5) School Location
I love that the school is in a quiet residential neighbourhood. Through the school's physical education program, the students have the opportunity to go to the local swimming pool for swimming lessons and the gymnastics facility. They also take nature walks with their class in the fall and the spring in the forest that borders onto the school. My sons love this opportunity to learn about science, nature and the environment. There are also various fun school trips throughout the year, such as to a Butterfly Conservatory, Mountsberg Conservation Area, Chudleigh's Apple farm, and the local fire station. The older students also have the opportunity to go on a trip to Ottawa. For the Winter Concert and Spring Theatre Production, the students have the opportunity to perform on stage at the local theatre, which is another element that my sons look forward to every year.