Congratulations to HSC Grade 9 Student, Andrew Kang, for placing #1 in the world in the second Caribou Math Contest of the year. The contest, one of six this year, was for grade 11/12 students, and had more than 1,000 entries!
Well done Andrew!
The Caribou Mathematics Competition is a world wide online contest that is held six times throughout the school year. Each of these days, six contests are offered, one for each of the grade levels 2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12 and each one in English, French, Persian and Mandarin.
The Caribou Cup is the series of all Caribou Contests in one school year. Each student's ranking in the Caribou Cup is determined by their performance in their best 5 of 6 contests through the school year.
All support materials (written solutions, current year and previous years contests as online practise tests, online math and logic games, online mini-courses) are also available without contest participation. Many of them are free.