Hudson College Lower School cast and crew put on a terrific production of Rock of Ages last week. From the curtain-raising, self-titled number, 'Rock of Ages', followed by Van Halen’s, ‘Jump’, right through the entire production to the chart-topper, sing-along ‘Don’t Stop Believin' finale, all of the performers did an absolutely amazing job, bringing to life eighties classics along with big hair, crazy costumes, lots of bold makeup and dreams of making it big in Hollywood! Our Co-Directors, Mr. Veleno and Ms. Sadie Coelho, and our Assistant Director, Mrs. Bastien, would like to thank all of the cast and crew for their dedication and commitment over the last two months. As one Hudson parent said "Hudson does a great job at balancing academics with fun for the kids at this important formative age." It was a wonderful experience. Well done, students! Rock On!