CDS launched a "Keeping our Community Safe" video series featuring CDS alumna Kelsey Houston '12, an Infection Control Practitioner with the University Health Network at Princess Margaret Hospital, in advance of the start of school this year.
As a member of the School's Virtual Medical Consulting Team, Kelsey emphasizes the importance (and demonstrates proper technique) of the entire community vigilantly practicing these three daily protocols in an effort to help keep us safe this coming year.
1) Five Important Steps to Hand Washing
2) Proper Mask Wearing (NEW! This year, all CDS students in JK-12 and Faculty and Staff are expected to wear masks while in the building, on a bus, or whenever they aren't able to physically distance)
3) Respiratory Etiquette & Physical Distancing We encourage you to watch the entire series as a family and practice these steps with your child(ren) in advance of the first day of school on Wednesday, September 9th!
We encourage you to watch the entire series as a family and practice these steps with your child(ren) in advance of the first day of school!