Our Spring swimming program began this week and students were eager to jump right in! Oakwood Academy offers a unique Physical Education program which promotes sensory integration and body mapping. For many students, using their body effectively to naviagte the world can be challenging. School success largely depends on a student's ability to participate in classroom activities, sit at a desk, complete academic work and socialize with peers. All of these tasks require a student to use their body for balance, co-ordination, fine motor control and sensory regulation. The swimming program at Oakwood is one way that we help students to develop bi-lateral co-ordination, strength, body awareness and self-regulation. Our students love the water and in addition to the gross motor and sensory benefits of this program, they are also learning a valuable life skill! The Physical Eduation program at Oakwood also includes a 10 week gymnastics program where students further develop essential gross motor skills that translate from the gym into the classroom!