Academie Providence
Academie Providence News
January 17, 2017

Providence Academy Annual Ball

This year we chose to make our annual celebration a Ball for the children of Providence Academy to celebrate in similar fashion to the princesses and princes that they truly are. We are fortunate in Ottawa to have many great private schools to choose from, but for many reasons we have chosen Providence Academy and as parents of the school, we have come together to form yet another unique community. 

The Sisters of the St. Anthony Congregation, and the teachers, treasure our children and nurture them with the key ingredients to building responsible, courageous, compassionate and intelligent beings who have ideas about the world around them.

With the children at this year’s Ball, we celebrate our collective efforts in working with the teachers to raise children with characters that will be strong enough to confront the challenges and rise up to the opportunities that will lie ahead of them. 

We are fortunate to have a school that focuses as much on achieving excellence as it does on building character and understanding gratitude.  Math, science, multiple languages, religion, music, history, social studies and faith are all part of the regular curriculum, but more remarkable are all the efforts that the devoted Sisters and teachers commit, in developing, with the parents, leaders of tomorrow.  Children with an understanding of the world around them, including democracy, government, leadership, community good-will, public service, multiculturalism and respect for diversity. 

This year, His Worship Mayor Watson, has kindly agreed to honour our event, with his attendance and to share some words with us.  This is a wonderful segue for our children as we continue to open their minds to the meaning of leadership, community and public service.  It is not about directing them to take on any particular role in life; rather it is about demonstrating to them how consistent the lessons they learn in religion are with real-life experiences and reality.  It is also about appreciating the fortunes they share with us and the importance and responsibility on them to give back.

This year, our event was scheduled around the celebration of the St. Anthony the Great, also known as the Desert Father – an important and symbolic figure for his followers.  Symbolic events are all around us, including Canada’s 150th celebration, and what a great time to set yet another example for our children of the importance of dedication, devotion, discipline and gratitude, balanced with simple fun and entertainment!

As we all seek to support and build our special community at Providence Academy remember to join social media and get engaged in the broader dialogue about the school.  Our school only gets stronger for our children as we engage and show interest collectively.  If you ever need to remind yourself of the advantages of our school in order to share them with a friend, the school’s website includes many of our testimonials and feedback at … (website link testimonials).  

We hope you enjoy this year’s Annual Providence Academy Ball – what a way to kick off 2017!  Thank you for being among us – you make this special community feel strong!


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Contact Name:
Sr Félicité Daou

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