On Thursday May 1st, the Hudson College Lower School cast and crew put on a fantastic musical and dramatic production of Oliver! From the curtain-raising making-of video (projected on our new screen) to the opening number, Food Glorious Food, right through the entire production, all of the performers did an absolutely amazing job, bringing to life a Dickens classic. Our Director and Grade Two teacher, Ms. McCartney would like to thank all of the cast and crew for their dedication and commitment over the last four months. It truly was a wonderful experience. In addition to the amazing performers the costumes, sets and sound were outstanding. We can hardly wait to find out what our spring production will be for May 2015 as the productions only get better every year. Well done, students!
You can view more photos of this amazing production on our website under Latest News at http://www.hudsoncollege.ca/latest-news/oliver.