REVIEW OF Olivet School BY parent, Cassandra Thomas
- Date of Review
March 10, 2018 - Grades
Preschool - Gr. 6
(5) Student Experience
My child's time at Olivet was a wonderful experience and both her and I wish that it could have continued longer. I felt that she liked the small setting and the opportunity that allowed one on one with her teachers and being able to go on educational and fun trips.
(5) School Leadership
The staff genuinely cared about the students and their families and demonstrated this through fostering the educational, physical, emotional and spiritual development of the students. They have high expectations for the progress and success of the students. They work relentlessly to develop the students by promoting rich opportunities for learning in and out of the classroom and strive to get the best out of every students with the help of the parents involved.
(5) Teaching
I am very satisfied with the quality of instruction provided at Olivet. The teachers are very knowledgeable on the subjects that they teach and instruct the lessons with passion. They respect the students and care a great deal about their personal development. My daughter and I were supported in every way. I was very impressed with how much she learned and how well grounded she was.
(5) Academics
When my daughter graduated from Olivet, she was a positive child, confident on her studies, and well prepared for the next stage of her life. My daughter started grade seven in public school and most of the material that was being taught was covered at Olivet so she was ahead of the grade.
(3.5) Extracurriculars
At Olivet, the students participated in many activities such as swimming and football as a school. These vast array of activities allowed the kids to try new things and discover what they like. In addition to sports, musicals and plays preformed biannually gave them the chance to develop their skills artistically. However, the small size of the school prevents competition between school as there were not enough students to form full teams. Despite this my child always had fun playing sports, performing, and just being a kid.
(5) Students
The student body at Olivet is small but it provided the perfect setting for my daughter. There was a feeling of togetherness and a caring family atmosphere. What stood out to me was the way the students took care of each other; watching the older children look out for the younger ones and vice versa, the way the students didn't just play with their own age group but made sure no one was left out. It created a loving environment carried out by all.
(5) School Life
My daughter truly loved going to Olivet. When she would misbehave or wouldn't listen, all I had to say was, "If you continue misbehaving you will not go to school tomorrow" and that would work instantly. I knew how much she loved going to Olivet and staying home would be worse than any other punishment. For any prospective families what insights I can offer you in the life of Olivet is this: If having your children growing in a positive, secure, and loving environment where they also learn to love and respect God, themselves, and each other then Olivet School is where they should be.
(5) Community
All parent knew each other and offered a hand when another was in need. Parents are always involved in all the school activities and always contribute to the success of the school. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. The parental community is the village that collectively raises the children to ensure their growth and success. From hotdog lunches, where parents join in, to bake sales and concerts there are so many opportunities for parents to get involved.
(5) School Location
The school grounds are situated in a nice residential neighborhood fenced off from the street. Being turned away from the main road allows them to use the surround area to play on. The primary field is great for events like picnics and barbecues and is a good place to play games such as tag and soccer. The playground is fenced creating a good sized place for younger children and making it easier for the teachers to monitor the kids at recess. The hydro-field is a personal favorite of my daughter as her friend and she would as to go with a teacher on duty and they would have play in the trees and let their imagination run wild. The kids were never trapped on the property but frequently had excursions to surrounding parks and facilities.