How we see Trafalgar School For Girls
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How Trafalgar School For Girls sees itself
"Trafalgar School for Girls has been fostering independent girls for 140 years in an intimate learning environment where every individual is challenged to learn and grow. With an optimal student-teacher ratio and an average class size of 10-15 students, each student is seen and finds their voice. We offer focused developmental approaches for Middle and Senior school and offer a host of signature programs in leadership, health and well being, Mon Montréal and World School Forum and a post-secondary Prep Program."
Top-down influence on the school’s direction and tone
Katherine Nikidis, Principal
Trafalgar has always been forward-thinking about the education of women. I am proud to join such a vibrant community that values authentic engagement, intellectual curiosity and integrity.
At its core, Trafalgar truly understands that girls must be engaged in the world around them, embrace their challenges, and be proud of who they are and what they are accomplishing!
Years of research confirm that girls education leads to girls’ achievement. Studies suggest that girls who attend single-sex schools benefit in lasting ways as learners and as individuals. They experience
(National Coalition of Girls’ Schools)
Being a girls’ school is a clear advantage for Trafalgar - but the truth is, parents and girls choose Trafalgar because of how we provide a phenomenal educational experience for girls. First and foremost, our people are outstanding; through their combined qualifications, commitment and abilities, our teachers understand education, engagement and what makes for an exceptional learning environment, in and outside the classroom. Trafalgar’s long-standing history of innovation ensures that creativity, risk taking and the sharing of ideas is engrained in our culture. Part of that culture is experienced through our location. “Place” is important and being part of the downtown core, ensures that our campus is shared with our urban partners, providing our girls and faculty the resources and opportunities to engage in a pluralistic ethos. Together, the people and the place create a sense of purpose for our girls and our community. A purpose based on strong principles of generosity, kindness, humour and commitment!
We live in an interdependent world, and the manner in which our people, place and purpose act together at Trafalgar, provide for our girls’ social and intellectual growth within a safe, supportive setting so that they can explore their own beliefs and take risks that speak to those beliefs. Trafalgar nurtures global citizens. As our students learn to understand themselves, they grow to become women who are able to recognize the worth of every individual and value of the diversity of human culture, they aspire to an empathetic understanding of others while actively seeking community engagement.
I am honoured to be part of this community, The Traf Family, as I believe that it offers a vision of girls’ education that is unique and founded on authentic engagement and growth.
Katherine Nikidis
THE OUR KIDS REPORT: Trafalgar School For Girls
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