12 Bond Crescent, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4E 3K2, Canada
998 Frances Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1K 3L5, Canada
1 to 8
Nursery/Toddler to 8
French, English
8 to 20
Learning, Developmental
Dedicated gifted school
Dedicated gifted school
$11,200 to $12,900
1 to 8
SK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Nursery/Toddler, Preschool, JK, SK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Not available
Not available
Yes: grades 1 - 8
Yes: grades JK - 8
Yes: grades JK - 8
information not available
information not available
The PACE program was developed with gifted students in mind, based in an understanding of what they share—overall ability—as well as what they don't, such as specific talents, interests, and curiosities. The term of art is differentiated programming, though it's a term that can easily lend itself to misunderstanding. It doesn't mean that different students proceed through the curricula at different rates or are each given separate tasks based on their individual abilities. Rather, within a differentiated program all students proceed at the same pace through the material, while instructors provide multiple entry points that address the needs of individual students within the class. The ideal student is one who has been identified as gifted, and who requires challenge in order to succeed in academic work.
View full reportAll private and independent schools are unique — designed to a specific purpose and for a specific class of learner — and Academy Providence is a particularly good example of that. It was founded in 2002 as an expression of the work of the Antonine Sisters in Canada and the values of the Catholic church. The curriculum adopts a multicultural gaze, even in the earliest years, in part through a substantial attention to languages. Likewise, it adopts the hands-on, group inquiry approach of the Montessori method. That’s a lot, perhaps, but it works. Families that enroll here are drawn by the strength of the academic program as well as the values that inform the delivery of the curriculum. The school is an expression of a Catholic order, though one of the tenets of the Antonine Sisters is to provide education to all people, something that is reflected in the diversity of the student body.
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"he administration and teaching staff truly want all students to succeed to their highest potential."
Melanie Maresch - Parent (Mar 09, 2023)
Both of our kids love the culture and environment at PACE. They have many close friendships that hav...
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"It offers a challenging, yet well-balanced curriculum in every grade."
Yuliya M - Parent (Mar 13, 2023)
Our daughter's experience at the Academy for Gifted Children - P.A.C.E. has been rewarding. She has ...
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"The quality of teaching at PACE has always surpassed our expectations."
Raminder Juneja - Parent (Mar 22, 2023)
Both of our children have had wonderful experiences at PACE. The collaborative, supportive learning ...
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"The feedback on the child's learning is constructive and shows a deeper understand of our daughters particular style of learning."
Maher Mamhikoff - Parent (May 27, 2021)
From the point of view of my daughter. She loves the teachers, she is joyful when she hears from the...
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"The school is the leader in fostering the values of respect, empathy, caring, and many others."
Milagros Risco Quiroz - Parent (Nov 24, 2021)
My two kids have attended Academy Providence since junior kindergarten. At first, my husband and I l...
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"Students are encouraged to respect and help each other and practice virtues."
Alba M Pascual - Parent (Mar 27, 2024)
Our children arrived during Covid, after a year of homeschooling. They were a bit behind but the te...
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"P.A.C.E. provides a differentiated curriculum built on greater depth and breadth of instruction. Our primary goal is to identify and enhance the abilities of our students, while simultaneously addressing their social and emotional needs. P.A.C.E. is based on the premise that gifted children require high-powered learning experiences to challenge their minds and ensure intellectual growth and achievement. A fully balanced program, including Arts and Athletics, complements this specialized academic program."
"Providence Academy is an AEFE partner (Agence pour l'enseignement français à l’étranger), fully committed to offering an enriched and program that cultivates and enlightens the total development of students. The curriculum is trilingual: French & English taught as a first language and Spanish, Arabic, or Mandarin, International languages taught as a second language. We are a Catholic, Private French School in Ottawa."
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"- Petites classes avec un ration enseignant/élève d'un maximum de vingt.
- Programme trilingue: Français et anglais en tant que première langue et l'un des trois langues: Arabe, Espagnol, Mandarin en tant que 2ème langue.
- Éducation aux valeurs chrétiennes catholiques
.-Environnement multiculturel et familial ."
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"l’Académie Providence Sœurs Antonines n’a pas besoin d’adopter des compromis. Les familles, en la choisissant , sont conscients de son identité, de sa philosophie éducationnelle, de ses valeurs, de la qualité des membres de la communauté éducative, ainsi que de son programme affilié à l’agence pour l’enseignement français à l’étranger (aefe), un réseau international qui regroupe plus de 566 établissements français à travers le monde. Elles expriment souvent leur satisfaction et nous n'avons guère besoin d'avoir recours à des compromis."
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"Nos familles, dans la grosse majorié, attendent un enseignement et une éducation de qualité qui permettent à leurs enfants de recevoir à côté d'une formation académique solide, des bases spirituelles et culturelles qui feront d'eux des citoyens responsables et conscients de leur rôle communautaire et sensibles à compréhension interculturelle et internationale. Ces attentes et ces préférences pédagogiques sont au centre du programme d'étude de l'Académie Providence Soeurs Antonines."
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"Le choix de l'Académie Providence semble être conditionné par son identité d'école catholique de langue française qui enseigne aussi l'anglais, par son curriculum enrichi, par son cadre physique à taille moyenne et à ratio non élevé, par son personnel enseignant qualifié et expérimenté, par son environnement socio-culturel et par les activités périscolaires offertes après les classes."
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Information not available
Information not available
"En général, les familles ne choisissent pas une école privée qui ne diffère pas des écoles publiques sur le plan programme et environnement culturel."
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"Les familles s'attendent le plus souvent à ce que l'école assure un environnement éducatif sanitaire et enrichissant. Après une langue fréquentation, la plupart des familles préfèrent que leurs enfants continuent leur cursus scolaire seconaire dans cette même école."
Information not available
Information not available
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My journey at P.A.C.E. began in 1999 and in 2019 I was delighted to assume the role of Director/Principal. The most rewarding part of my job is interacting with the students. They are fun loving, witty and demonstrate an intellectual curiosity that is any educator's dream. The energy level in the building is very high, the questioning by the students is incessant, and there are a lot of laughs. The skills for succeeding at P.A.C.E., whether in the role of teacher or student, are the same: a love of learning, high motivation, an excellent work ethic and a sense of humour. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by excellent teachers and a strong administrative staff: Liana, the Assistant to the Director; our Vice Principals, Caroline Corbit and Joanne Abela; and our Administrative Assistant, Irina. Every September we look forward to yet another passionate and exciting year for all.
Éduquer, “c’est aimer et espérer”. Tel est le thème qui a inspiré notre mission éducative de l’Académie Providence établie à Ottawa depuis 2002.
The teaching program of the Providence Academy meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education of Ontario, integrates the teaching program of the Ministry of Education of France and incorporates the educative philosophy of the Antonine Sisters (personalize and whole group) together with montessorien principles in a structures and inter cultural environment. The pedagogical approach respects the pace and learning style of each student to procure the development of the autonomy and self-esteem of each student. The Providence Academy is the only Catholic Private French School that offers such a program in Ontario.
Instituer un établissement d’enseignement privé, dans une société très attentive aux réalités culturelles et respectueuse de la liberté de croyance inhérente à la dignité humaine mais où l’enseignement est rendu presque totalement public, est un grand défi à relever. Aujourd’hui, à sa douzième année de fonctionnement, l’Académie Providence, avec un sentiment d’action de grâce, de fierté et d’humilité, peut se considérer en tant qu’établissement d’enseignement et d’éducation de qualité au service des jeunes qui ont besoin de recevoir, à côté d’une formation académique solide, les bases spirituelles, morales et culturelles qui feront d’eux des « témoins de l’Évangile » et qui répondent aux attentes pédagogiques de leurs parents. L’Académie Providence soucieuse de favoriser le plein épanouissement de la personnalité de ses élèves, veille également à faire d’eux/d’elles, des citoyens et des citoyennes responsables, conscients(es) de leur rôle communautaire et sensibles à la compréhension interculturelle et internationale.
Puisse la Divine Providence, source d’amour et d’espérance, veiller sur cette mission et la mener à son plein développement au service de la communauté d’Ottawa.
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Traditional curricula tend to be very content-based and rooted in the core disciplines. It is a structured approach that involves the teacher delivering a unified curriculum through direct instruction. Students usually learn by observing and listening to their teacher, studying facts and concepts in textbooks, and completing both tests and written assignments - which challenge students to not only demonstrate their mastery of content but their ability to analyze and deconstruct it critically. Class discussions are also used to create critical dialogue around the content of the curriculum.
Particularly popular in the younger grades (preschool to elementary), but sometimes available all the way up to high school, Montessori schools offer an alternative vision to the standard lesson format of most classrooms. Instead of listening to whole-class lessons, Montessori classrooms allow students to choose which "tasks" or activities interest them. These tasks centre around special Montessori puzzles - their essential feature being they contain a right answer and allow for selfcorrection. A strong emphasis is therefore placed on lessons being concrete and rooted in practical experience, along with students developing a sense of self-sufficiency, confidence and curiosity.
Not applicable
P.A.C.E. is a magnet school for students who have been identified as intellectually gifted by means of a psycho-educational assessment. The curriculum is differentiated through various methodologies and strategies i.e. compacting, identifying learning styles, creative problem solving, acceleration, inquiry-based learning, addressing the critical thinking skills, sophisticated field studies, greater depth and breadth of instruction, etc. in order to meet the special needs and characteristics of gifted kids. Our courses reflect high powered learning experiences for our gifted learners, including pre-AP courses offered in grade 8. To address the needs of the whole child, wonderful Fine Arts, Athletic, and Co-Instructional Programs complement our strong academic program. There is something truly special about being surrounded by people passionate about everything they do.
The teaching program of the Providence Academy meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education of Ontario, integrates the teaching program of the Ministry of Education of France and incorporates the educative philosophy of the Antonine Sisters (personalize and whole group) together with montessorien principles in a structures and inter cultural environment. The pedagogical approach respects the pace and learning style of each student to procure the development of the autonomy and self-esteem of each student. The Providence Academy is the only Catholic Private French School that offers such a program in Ontario.
Equal Balance
These math programs feature an equal balance of “Traditional” and “Discovery” methods.
These math programs feature an equal balance of “Traditional” and “Discovery” methods.
P.A.C.E. is a blend of old and new, allowing for the mastery of basic skills while creating exciting new initiatives in how to learn mathematics. It's not all about numerical operations but the understanding of mathematical concepts and the application of mathematics to real world experiences.
- Les mathématiques favorisent la connaissance des nombres et le calcul, l'approche de la géométrie et des mesures et la résolution de problèmes. - La pratique des mathématiques développe le goût de la recherche, l'imagination, les capacités d’abstraction, la rigueur et la précision. - Les mathématiques favorisent la découverte de plusieurs nouveaux concepts par l’exploration et l’expérimentation à l’aide de matériel concret ou illustré, d’algorithmes personnels et usuels et de stratégies de resolution de problèmes. - Les mathématiques favorisent l’acquisition des bases d'une première culture scientifique en partant de situations proches de la réalité.
A number of different textbooks are used at the high school level. But, most importantly, we create Resources Booklets for our students which allows us to draw from many different sources.
Avec T'choupi je découvre les nombres-TPS Nathan Petite Section, Maternelle,Je découvre les chiffres,Hatier Chouette Entraînement-Activités de maths-Moyenne Section Le nouveau Math élém., Fichier 1 pour Grande Section Le nouveau Math élém., Fichier 2 pour Grande Section
To foster the development of mental math students in grades 1-6 do not use calculators. Starting in grade 7 calculators are used for basic computational skills. Graphing calculators are taught and used in grades 8- 12, but only scientific calculators (without graphing capabilities) are used for evaluations.
L’enfant va apprendre à structurer son raisonnement par le biais de l’expérimentation et de l’analyse ce qui requiert des efforts d'organisation et de concentration.
Whole Language
Systematic-phonics programs teach young children to read by helping them to recognize and sound out the letters and syllables of words. Students are then led to blend these sounds together to sound out and recognize the whole word. While other reading programs might touch on phonetics (either incidentally or on a “when needed” basis), systematic phonics teaches phonics in a specific sequence, and uses extensive repetition and direct instruction to help readers associate specific letter patterns with their associated sounds.
Whole Language reading programs eschew sublexical (under the word-level) training, focusing instead on getting students to infer and guess at words based on their understanding of the larger meaning of the sentence (“context-clues”). Students are given ample opportunity to read actual literature (age-appropriate) along with strategies for using semantic-based clues to pronounce unrecognized words.
Children entering in to grade 1 are reading at various levels; from one or two sentences with pictures, to chapter books. Therefore, often there are 2 or 3 reading groups each with different reading assignments. Typically, by January, all of the children have reached a comparable level in their reading fluency but not necessarily in their reading comprehension. By the end of grade one all of the children are reading the same novels.
Le CP est la 1ère classe du cycle des apprentissages fondamentaux où l’enfant va acquérir les savoirs de base que sont lire, écrire, communiquer et compter. Le CE1 est avant tout une année de révision et de consolidation des acquis antérieurs. L’enfant va maîtriser les savoirs de base que sont lire, écrire, communiquer et compter Le CE2 est la 3e année du cycle 2 au cours de laquelle l’enfant va apprendre à structurer son raisonnement par le biais de l’expérimentation et de l’analyse ce qui requiert des efforts d'organisation et de concentration.
DIBELS Testing: This school periodically uses DIBELS testing to assess reading progress.
Contrôle continu et examen trimestriel tois fois l'année scolaire
Equal balance
Programs that balance systematic and process approaches equally likely have an emphasis on giving young students ample opportunities to write, while providing supplementary class-wide instruction in grammar, parts of sentences, and various writing strategies.
Programs that balance systematic and process approaches equally likely have an emphasis on giving young students ample opportunities to write, while providing supplementary class-wide instruction in grammar, parts of sentences, and various writing strategies.
Our children love to write, and we begin to introduce analytical writing as well as creative writing in grade one; the sophistication of which increases as writing assignments are introduced into writing categories: poetry, short stories, essays, and dialogues/monologues.
• Identifier personnages, événements, circonstances d’un récit lu • Copier avec soin un court texte en respectant l’orthographe et la ponctuation • Écrire sous la dictée un texte de 5 lignes en utilisant ses connaissances lexicales, orthographiques et grammaticales • Produire de façon autonome un texte de 5 à 10 lignes • Copier avec soin et lisiblement un texte court
Equal Balance
Science programs that balance expository and inquiry learning equally will likely have an equal blend of tests and experiments; direct, textbook-based instruction and student-centred projects.
Science programs that balance expository and inquiry learning equally will likely have an equal blend of tests and experiments; direct, textbook-based instruction and student-centred projects.
A variety of methodologies work best with our students. It is very important for our students to be exposed to the expert, to work effectively with their peers, and to creatively design their own scientific experiments.
Acquérir des repères dans le temps et l’espace et des connaissances sur le monde. - Maîtriser le vocabulaire spécifique correspondant à ces réalités. - Dépasser les représentations initiales en observant et en manipulant. - Comprendre et décrire le monde réel, celui de la nature et celui construit par l’Homme. - Apprendre à agir sur le monde et de maîtriser les changements induits par l’activité humaine. - S’initier à une démarche d’investigation: observation, questionnement, expérimentation, argumentation et consignation des expériences
Evolution as consensus theory
Evolution as one of many equally viable theories
Evolution is not taught
Evolution as consensus theory
Evolution as one of many equally viable theories
Evolution is not taught
Not applicable
Equal Balance
These literature programs draw in equal measure from “Traditional” and “Social Justice” programs.
These literature programs draw in equal measure from “Traditional” and “Social Justice” programs.
Literature comes alive through multiple interpretations and rich performance tasks that include choral speaking, debates, trials, videos, music and drama.
- Adapter son comportement de lecteur aux difficultés rencontrées : notes pour mémoriser, relecture, demande d’aide, etc. - Participer à un débat sur un texte en confrontant son point de vue à d’autres de manière argumentée. - Lire au moins cinq ouvrages dans l’année scolaire et en rendre compte ; choisir un extrait caractéristique et le lire à haute voix. - Expliciter des choix de lecture, des préférences en utilisant diverses stratégies de lecture pour construire le sens d’un texte. - Rapprocher des œuvres littéraires, à l’oral et à l’écrit et participer à un débat sur une oeuvre en confrontant son point de vue à d’autres de manière argumentée. - Démontrer la compréhension des textes lus, en tirer l’information voulue et exprimer ses réactions. - Découvrir des œuvres d’art antique et moderne, des figures mythiques qui permettent de mettre en valeur la thématique « Arts, mythes et religions ».
Ancient lit
English lit
World (non-Western) lit
European (continental) lit
American lit
Canadian lit
Ancient lit
English lit
World (non-Western) lit
European (continental) lit
American lit
Canadian lit
The Thematic approach organizes the curriculum around certain themes or cultural universals. Students might spend time focused on food. Then they might focus on transportation or government, and so on.
The Thematic approach organizes the curriculum around certain themes or cultural universals. Students might spend time focused on food. Then they might focus on transportation or government, and so on.
Through our broad-based issues and themes, students learn in a very holistic manner as opposed to learning content and facts in isolation. The exploration of the dynamic activities enhance the critical thinking skills and students learn how to apply, analyze and evaluate information. It is through these theme based assignments that our younger students learn to hone their research skills - both through written report and oral presentation.
- Maîtriser comme individu et comme citoyen, les règles élémentaires de la vie en société et les mettre en œuvre dans le cadre scolaire. - Acquérir des repères dans les domaines de l’histoire, de la géographie, des droits et des devoirs du citoyen, de la responsabilité et de la liberté. - Développer les habiletés à identifier et évaluer des éléments concernant le fonctionnement des institutions et des événements sociaux et historiques. - Développer les compétences et les qualités personnelles nécessaires pour mener des enquêtes dans la matière qui sont ensuite transférables dans d’autres sphères de la vie quotidienne. - Apprendre à se servir de la technologie appropriée comme outil pour recueillir et analyser de l’information, résoudre des problèmes et communiquer des informations. - Utiliser le vocabulaire approprié au sujet à l’étude
Equal Balance
These programs represent an equal balance between the perennialist and pragmatic approach to teaching the humanities and social sciences.
These programs represent an equal balance between the perennialist and pragmatic approach to teaching the humanities and social sciences.
Through our life skills course, civics, history, law, philosophy and classical civilization students develop their critical thinking skills through discussion, debate and analytical essay writing. Students enjoy discussing BIG IDEAS while respecting the opinions of their peers in a safe and open learning environment. Application to real life experiences remains an important aspect of any social science or humanities course.
- Comprendre les grands principes de l’action morale: valeurs, savoirs, pratiques et comportements dont le but est de savoir particier efficacement à la constructive de la vie sociale, d'exercer sa liberté en pleine conscience des droits de chacun et de refuser la violence. - Apprendre à établir la différence entre les principes universels (les droits de l'homme), les règles de l'Etat de droit (la loi) et les usages sociaux (la civilité). - Développer le sentiment d'appartenance à son pays dans le respect dû à la diversité des choix et des options personnels.
These programs feature an equal blend of the audio-lingual and communicative styles of language instruction.
The audio-lingual method of teaching foreign languages emphasizes the use of repetition and a system of immediate reinforcement and feedback. The method makes particular use of oral drills where students are expected to correctly imitate (or intentionally alter) an utterance made by the teacher in the target language. Quizzes and worksheets are also used extensively.
The acquisition of French as a second language includes the concrete sequential mode of learning as well as interactive group work. Our French Language program addresses the four components: Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Written and Oral Expression. Students study French cultural and language heritage as well as the constructs of formal grammar.
- L’enfant va développer sa réflexion, sa recherche et sa présentation, en enrichissant ses lectures, en sachant se documenter, exposer ses points de vue et présenter le fruit de ses recherches. - Il va apprendre à rédiger différents types d’écrits. Le programme est bien rempli, rigoureux et exigeant en orthographe et en expression écrite. - Il va enrichir son vocabulaire, étudier la formation des mots et les règles orthographiques et grammaticales. - Une place importante est donnée à la réception (lire et écouter) à la production (dire et écrire de textes narratifs
Information not available
Equal Balance
These programs have an equal emphasis on receptive and creative learning.
These programs have an equal emphasis on receptive and creative learning.
Students engage in making art come alive using a collaborative approach to learning. Taking risks, emoting and developing the aesthetic sensibilities create the ultimate performance in both drama and music.
- Initier l’élève à transmettre des messages et des émotions dans ses réalisations et à s’interroger sur la fonction et l’emplacement des formes d’arts visuels dans sa communauté, dans sa province et dans tout le Canada. - l’élève entreprend l’étude d’une notation musicale traditionnelle et communique des messages, des idées et des émotions dans ses réalisations. Le chant et l’interprétation de chansons folkloriques et populaires tiennent toujours une place importante, ce qui donne aux élèves l’occasion de chanter ensemble, d’approfondir leurs connaissances et leurs habiletés musicales et de s’ouvrir à la culture, aux traditions, à l’histoire de leur milieu et à d’autres cultures et époques. - explorer des situations sociales et culturelles et expérimenter des formes de représentation tout en améliorant les habiletés d’expression d’idées et d’émotions sous forme dramatique.
Graphic Design
Visual Arts
Graphic Design
Visual Arts
Medium integration
Effort is made to integrate the development of digital literacy through the curriculum. However, this is not a dominant focus.
Effort is made to integrate the development of digital literacy through the curriculum. However, this is not a dominant focus.
All students use personally owned devices to enhance learning experiences and opportunities in various disciplines throughout the regular school day. Robotics plays a very large role in our technology program and the instruction of coding begins in grade four.
Découverte de l’ordinateur: - découvrir que l'ordinateur a de la mémoire, fonctionne avec les nombres, les lettres et les mots. - Initier à la découverte des concepts fondamentaux de l’informatique. - distinguer les différents systèmes informatiques avec leurs avantages et inconvénients - Know the function of the keys: backspace, delete, enter, caps lock. Entraînement - savoir utiliser des outils interactifs, le multimédia et l’internet - Initier au langage et à l’usage d’outils informatiques. - être capable de traduire les mots dans le langage Basic et d’exploiter les éléments relatifs à l’internet Création et production - créer, produire, exploiter des données. - développer une intégration avec les autres enseignements scientifiques et techniques dans une volonté d’interdisciplinarité. - rédiger un programme et le représenter schématiquement.
Web design
Computer science
Web design
Computer science
The development of a healthy mind and body is critical to success.
- Développer l’équilibre psychomoteur et les habiletés locomotrices tout en apprenant des habiletés simples de manipulation d’objets en commençant par les lancer et les attraper. - Développer les capacités nécessaires aux conduites motrices, physiques, sportives et artistiques. - Développer le sens de l’effort et de la persévérance tout en répondant au besoin et au plaisir de bouger. - Apprendre à mieux se connaître, à mieux connaître les autres et à veiller à sa santé. - Acquérir une compréhension des facteurs qui contribuent à un développement sain et apprendre à assumer des responsabilités en ce qui concerne la santé tout au long de la vie. - Développer des habiletés motrices et tactiques et appliquer des concepts liés aux mouvements lors de jeux, sports, danses et autres activités physiques.
Academic-based preschools and Kindergartens are the most structured of the different types, and have a strong emphasis on math and reading readiness skills. These programs aim to expose children to what early-elementary school is like. While time is still allotted to free play, much of the day is built around explicit lessons guided by the teacher. Classrooms often resemble play-based ones (with different stations set up around the room), but at an Academic program the teacher leads students through the stations directly, and ties these activities to a whole-class lesson or theme.
Academic-based preschools and Kindergartens are the most structured of the different types, and have a strong emphasis on math and reading readiness skills. These programs aim to expose children to what early-elementary school is like. While time is still allotted to free play, much of the day is built around explicit lessons guided by the teacher. Classrooms often resemble play-based ones (with different stations set up around the room), but at an Academic program the teacher leads students through the stations directly, and ties these activities to a whole-class lesson or theme.
Les objectifs essentiels de la maternelle : • aider chaque enfant à: - devenir autonome ; - s'approprier des connaissances et des compétences; - acquérir un langage oral riche, organisé et compréhensible par l'autre; - vivre une expérience scolaire réussie; - se préparer adéquatement à l’école primaire en développant ses facultés fondamentales : parler, agir, découvrir, sentir, réfléchir, imaginer, créer…); - exercer ses capacités motrices, sensorielles, affectives, relationnelles et intellectuelles; - découvrir l’univers de l’écrit.
The main curriculum accelerates beyond the pace of the provincial one; ALL students do the work of OLDER public-school peers in tangible and measurable ways. This accelerated pace is maintained by the teachers and school, (through textbook selection, topic selection, grading, assignment standards and expectations, etc).
Broadly-speaking, the main curriculum -- like that of most schools -- paces the provincially-outlined one. This pace is steady and set by the teachers and school. The curriculum might still be enriched in various ways: covering topics more in-depth and with more vigor than the provincial one, or covering a broader selection of topics.
La maternelle est un lieu d’éducation et d’apprentissage avec des objectifs précis. Tout y est organisé pour que l’enfant agisse et participe : l’espace, le temps et les situations.
A school with a “rigorous” academic culture places a high value on academic performance, and expects their students to do the same. This does not mean the school is uncaring, unsupportive, or non-responsive -- far from it. A school can have a rigorous academic culture and still provide excellent individual support. It does mean, however, the school places a particular emphasis on performance -- seeking the best students and challenging them to the fullest extent -- relative to a normal baseline. High expectations and standards – and a challenging yet rewarding curriculum – are the common themes here. Keep in mind this classification is more relevant for the older grades: few Kindergarten classrooms, for example, would be called “rigorous”.
A school with a “rigorous” academic culture places a high value on academic performance, and expects their students to do the same. This does not mean the school is uncaring, unsupportive, or non-responsive -- far from it. A school can have a rigorous academic culture and still provide excellent individual support. It does mean, however, the school places a particular emphasis on performance -- seeking the best students and challenging them to the fullest extent -- relative to a normal baseline. High expectations and standards – and a challenging yet rewarding curriculum – are the common themes here. Keep in mind this classification is more relevant for the older grades: few Kindergarten classrooms, for example, would be called “rigorous”.
- Comprendre les grands principes de l’action morale: valeurs, savoirs, pratiques et comportements dont le but est de savoir particier efficacement à la constructive de la vie sociale, d'exercer sa liberté en pleine conscience des droits de chacun et de refuser la violence. - Apprendre à établir la différence entre les principes universels (les droits de l'homme), les règles de l'Etat de droit (la loi) et les usages sociaux (la civilité). - Développer le sentiment d'appartenance à son pays dans le respect dû à la diversité des choix et des options personnels.
"We honour and distinguish our brightest students, using them as examples for other students to follow."
"We honour and distinguish our brightest students, using them as examples for other students to follow."
The goal is to cultivate "academically strong, creative and critical thinkers, capable of exercising rationality, apprehending truth, and making aesthetic distinctions."
Equal emphasis is placed on a balance of priorities: intellectual, emotional, social and physical cultivation.
Equal emphasis is placed on a balance of priorities: intellectual, emotional, social and physical cultivation.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Addressing the needs of gifted children through a well balanced education that attends to the cognitive as well as social emotional needs of the children allows for us to groom good people who will be productive citizens in society.
- Éducation attentive à la formation de l’intelligence et du cœur qui favorise le plein épanouissement de la personnalité de l’élève, la maturité de son intelligence aussi bien que celle de son cœur, de sa volonté et de son esprit, qui lui permet de prendre conscience de la vie qui l’anime dans sa double dimension d’intériorité et d’universalité. - Éducation qui anime la foi en Dieu Trinitaire et qui forme aux valeurs spirituelles, humaines et morales dans un climat de confiance, d’amour et de sécurité.
B - EnvironmentsIndirect Support:
Resource Assistance:
Withdrawal Assistance:
Partial Integration:
Full-Time Class:
| ||||
Forms of Support | Environments | Forms of Support | Environments | |
ADHD (moderate to severe) This is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Children with ADHD may be hyperactive and unable control their impulses. Or they may have trouble paying attention. These behaviors can interfere with school and home life. | ||||
Learning disabilities | ||||
Dyslexia (Language-Based Learning Disability) This is a learning disability that can limit a child's ability to read and learn. It can have a variety of traits. A few of the main ones are impaired phonological awareness and decoding, problems with orthographic coding, and auditory short-term memory impairment. | ||||
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) This is a sound differentiation disorder involving problems with reading, comprehension, and language. | ||||
Dyscalculia This is a kind of specific learning disability in math. Kids with this math disorder have problems with calculation. They may also have problems with math-related concepts such as time and money. | ||||
Dysgraphia This is a kind of specific learning disability in writing. It involves problems with handwriting, spelling, and organizing ideas. | ||||
Language Processing Disorder This is characterized by having extreme difficulty understanding what is heard and expressing what one wants to say. These disorders affect the area of the brain that controls language processing.
| ||||
Nonverbal Learning Disorders (NLD) These involve difficulties interpreting non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language. They're usually characterized by a significant discrepancy between higher verbal skills and weaker motor, visual-spatial, and social skills. | ||||
Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit A characteristic seen in people with learning disabilities such as Dysgraphia or Non-verbal LD. It can result in missing subtle differences in shapes or printed letters, losing place frequently, struggles with cutting, holding pencil too tightly, or poor eye/hand coordination. | ||||
Developmental | ||||
Autism Refers to a range of conditions that involve challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, and speech and nonverbal communication. They also involve unique strengths and differences. For instance, there are persons with both low- and high-functioning autism (some claim the latter is identical to Asperger's syndrome). | ||||
Asperger's Syndrome On the autism spectrum, Asperger's is considered quite mild in terms of symptoms. While traits can vary widely, many kids with Asperger's struggle with social skills. They also sometimes fixate on certain subjects and engage in repetitive behaviour. | ||||
Down syndrome his is associated with impairment of cognitive ability and physical growth, and a particular set of facial characteristics. | ||||
Intellectual disability This is a condition characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning (e.g., reasoning, learning, and problem solving). Intellectual disabilities are also known as general learning disabilities (and used to be referred to as a kind of mental retardation). | ||||
Williams syndrome This is a rare genetic disorder present at birth. It is characterized by intellectual disabilities or learning problems, unique facial features, and cardiovascular problems. | ||||
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term used to describe the range of effects that can occur in an individual whose mother consumed alcohol during pregnancy. These may include growth deficits, facial anomalies, and damage to the central nervous system, which can lead to cognitive, behavioural, and other problems. | ||||
Behavioral and Emotional | ||||
Troubled behaviour / troubled teens roubled teens tend to have problems that are intense, persistent, and can lead to quite unpredictable behaviour. This can lead to behavioural and emotional issues, such as drug and alcohol abuse, criminal behaviour, eating disorders, depression, and anxiety. | ||||
Clinical Depression This is a mental health disorder also called "major depression." It involves persistent feelings of sadness, loss, and anger. According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms are usually severe enough to cause noticeable problems in relationships with others or in daily activities, such as school, work, or one's social life. | ||||
Clinical anxiety This is a mood disorder involving intense, relentless feelings of distress and fear. They can also have excessive and persistent worry about everyday situations, and repeated episodes of intense anxiety or terror. | ||||
Suicidal thoughts This involves persistent thoughts about ending one's life. | ||||
Drug and alcohol abuse This involves the excessive use of drug and/or alcohol, which interferes with daily functioning. | ||||
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) This is a disruptive behavioural disorder which normally involves angry outbursts, often directed at people of authority. This behaviour must last continuously for six months or more and significantly interfere with daily functioning. | ||||
Physical | ||||
Multiple sclerosis This is a condition of the central nervous system. It affects the brain, optic nerves, and spinal cord. Symptoms can include fatigue, loss of motor control, memory loss, depression, and cognitive difficulties. | ||||
Cerebral palsy his refers to a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood. CP is caused by abnormal development or damage to the parts of the brain that control movement, balance, and posture. | ||||
Muscular dystrophy Muscular dystrophy is a neuromuscular disorder which weakens the body's muscles. Causes, symptoms, age of onset, and prognosis vary between individuals. | ||||
Spina Bifida This is a condition present at birth due to the incomplete formation of the spine and spinal cord. It can lead to a number of physical challenges, including paralysis or weakness in the legs, bowel and bladder incontinence, hydrocephalus (too much fluid in the brain), and deformities of the spine. | ||||
Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder) This is a Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Also known as "sensory integration disorder," it affects fine and/or gross motor coordination in children and adults. It may also affect speech. | ||||
Blindness Visual impairment is a decreased ability or inability to see that can't be fixed in usual ways, such as with glasses. Some people are completely blind, while others have what's called "legal blindness." | ||||
Deafness Hearing impairment, also known as "hearing loss," is a partial or total inability to hear. The degree of hearing impairment varies between people. It can range from complete hearing loss (or deafness) to partial hearing loss (meaning the ears can pick up some sounds). | ||||
Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited genetic condition, which affects the body's respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems. It affects young children and adults. | ||||
Multiple physical Accommodating a wide range of physical conditions and disabilities. |
Social skills programs
Occupational therapy
Speech-language therapy
Social skills programs
Occupational therapy
Speech-language therapy
Extra support
Extra support
Social skills programs
Occupational therapy
Speech-language therapy
Social skills programs
Occupational therapy
Speech-language therapy
Information not available
Le support thérapeutique est offert par un spécialiste dont les honoraires sont défrayés par les parents concernés. Une personne d'appui assiste l'enfant durant l'enseignement est engagée par l'admininistration et don't les honoraires sont payés par les parents.
P.A.C.E. is able to provide limited accommodations for students with learning disabilities i.e. extra time on tests and exams.
Nous adoptons la politique d'intégration et nous nous entendons avec les parents dont l'enfant a des besoins spéciaux pour contribuer à payer le temps d'appui pédagoqique offert à l'enfant par une personne ressource.
CompetitiveComp. |
RecreationalRec. |
CompetitiveComp. |
RecreationalRec. |
Badminton |
Baseball |
Basketball |
Canoeing/Kayaking |
Cricket |
Cross-country skiing |
Cycling |
Downhill skiing |
Equestrian |
Fencing |
Field Hockey |
Figure Skating |
Football |
Golf |
Gymnastics |
Ice Hockey |
Ice Skating |
Lacrosse |
Martial Arts |
Mountain biking |
Racquet Ball |
Rowing |
Rugby |
Running |
Sailing |
Skateboarding |
Snowboarding |
Soccer |
Softball |
Squash |
Swimming |
Tennis |
Track & Field |
Volleyball |
Weightlifting |
Wrestling |
Archery |
Curling |
Ultimate |
Ballet and Classical Ballet
Student Council
Science Club
School newspaper
Round Square
Robotics club
Radio club
Poetry/Literature club
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Club
Online Magazine
Musical theatre/Opera
Math Club
Jazz Ensemble
Habitat for Humanity
Foreign Language Club
Environmental Club
Drama Club
Debate Club
Dance Club
Computer Club
Community Service
Chess Club
Audiovisual Club
Astronomy Club
Art Club
Ballet and Classical Ballet
Student Council
Science Club
School newspaper
Round Square
Robotics club
Radio club
Poetry/Literature club
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Club
Online Magazine
Musical theatre/Opera
Math Club
Jazz Ensemble
Habitat for Humanity
Foreign Language Club
Environmental Club
Drama Club
Debate Club
Dance Club
Computer Club
Community Service
Chess Club
Audiovisual Club
Astronomy Club
Art Club
1 - 8
SK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Nursery/Toddler, Preschool, JK, SK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Not available
Not available
Yes: grades 1 - 8
Yes: grades JK - 8
Yes: grades JK - 8
Yes: grades JK - 8
Yes: grades JK - 8
Yes: grades JK - 8
The first critierion for P.A.C.E. is that the student is identified as intellectual gifted. We are looking for bright individuals who are passionate about learning and are productive citizens within the school.
At Academie Providence we promote and provide the best academic opportunities so every student can learn, grow and succeed!
All students are required to have a psycho-educational assessment (WISC V). If the student scores in the 95th percentile or higher in verbal reasoning and visual perception, on paper, that child would qualify for P.A.C.E. The next step would be to have a meeting with the family and for the student to visit for the day. Feedback regarding the child's visit is provided.
1. Age of entrance
- Nursery 31 months: having reached the age of 31 months before September 1 of the year of
- Kindergarten 3 years old: having 3 years old before December 31 of the year of admission;
- Kindergarten 4 years: having 4 years old by December 31 of the year of admission;
- Preschool 5 years: having 5 years old before December 31 of the year of admission;
- Primary 1: having 6 years old before December 31 of the year of admission;
2. Pass the entrance exam given to students entering Primary school. This examination, that takes place towards the second half of March, is to test the knowledge of students in French, English and mathematics
3. For preschool and kindergarten, an interview with the child takes place before the registration in order to verify his/her understanding and expression in French.
Photocopy of the Birth Certificate.
Photocopy of the Health Insurance Card for Canadian student
Vaccination proof for foreign student.
Photocopy of the Report Card of the last two Academic years
Amount : 3320 cad non-refundable for foreign student.
Amount: 500 cad non-refundable covers the registration fee and the cost of the entrance exam if required.