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Grades Gr. 7 TO Gr. 12 — Stratford, ON (Map)

Nancy Campbell Academy:

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REVIEW OF Nancy Campbell Academy BY parent, Angela Zhang

  • Date of Review
    November 19, 2019
  • Grades
    Gr. 10 - Gr. 12

(5) Student Experience

My child enjoyed and appreciated the warm, family-like atmosphere and a solid academic foundation at Nancy Campbell Academy. At this school, no matter where students are from, they seem to quickly and easily settle in and acquire a strong sense of belongings. The culture diversity helps students to share and learn and grow faster. People at Nancy Campbell Academy do choose happiness. It is really a happy place to spend your teenage years. "Happiness through purpose is the motivation for students to do anything" according to the Principal of the school. The school creates many opportunities and teachable moments both in class and after class to encourage the students to choose happiness, to be happy. My child used to be shy, reluctant to talk, but changed a lot after attending NCA. She looked happier and was motivated to learn, to work and to join in different activities. 南希坎贝尔是一个小型国际私立学校,最让我女儿喜欢的是学校如家庭般的温馨氛围, 使每个学生,不论来自哪里很快就能适应,并有强烈的归属感和获得感。不同文化背景的孩子在一起学习和分享十分有助成长。这是一个快乐的学校,“快乐是学生学习的动力”,这也是学校校长的教学理念。学校在课上课下营造各种氛围实现这一理念。我女儿以前非常内向,入学不久就有很大变化,愿意参与各种活动。

(5) School Leadership

The school leadership and administration reflects the school's mission and commitment to preparing students for their future. For a long time, Nancy Campbell has 19 code of conducts as the discipline for students to follow, helping students to be good citizens instead of people with high academic success but no values. This school encourages both. They also utilize a variety of new technologies, authentic assessments to respond to problems so as to sustain a positive school environment for students. 学校的管理影响培养学生的宗旨,长期来,南希坎贝尔为学生制定的19条行为准则,培养帮助学生自尊心和自信心的成长,在取得优异的学习成绩的同时,学会自律,成为社会有用人才。另外,学校运用多种新科技和评估手段,维护学校的秩序并确保学校正常运行。

(4.5) Teaching

Teaching is great at Nancy Campbell Academy. They have many excellent teachers with variety of academic skills. They are versatile and meet the children where they are at. For example, a science teacher can also be a wonderful artist, which makes a great impact on their students' personalities creating and modeling well-grounded adults. Students are likely to follow their examples and become well-rounded people with more interests. Most of teachers in the school are very passionate and love their students. They believe every child can shine like a diamond, and the teacher has the duty or responsibility to make the great success in each student. The school never regards fast or slow students differently -- each student is valued and different learning styles appreciated. As a result, most of the graduates from the school are admitted to the top universities in Canada. My daughter was of no exception. She was accepted by Waterloo University. 南希坎贝尔的教学是很不错的。 学校拥有不少多才多艺的优秀的老师,如科学教师又是一位出色的艺术家,这对学生开拓兴趣很有帮助,学生也会跟着老师榜样走。老师们都很有激情,他们都是优秀的教育家,因为他们相信每个孩子都会成功,如同宝石会发光。老师的责任就是打磨使其发光。因此,大多数的学校毕业生都被加拿大的名校录取,我女儿也不例外,考取了滑铁卢大学。

(4.5) Academics

Nancy Campbell Academy has the required academic curriculum as do other schools in the community, but with more understanding so the student does not feel as pressured. Students succeed because learning is meaningful. The unique part of the curriculum is all the students take WCC (World Citizenship Course). The course considerably broadens students' visions and equips them with global perspectives. Students are inspired to get out of their comfort zone to participate in the discussions of solving global issues. Students in Grade 11 have the opportunity to take a 2-week service trip in a foreign country with the mission of spreading global peace through performances of arts. My daughter learned a lot from the course and the service trip and now she feels ready to be a world citizen. 南希坎贝尔为学生提供地区所需要的所有课程,但此外,该学校提供各级学生特殊课程WCC(世界公民课程),世界公民课程大大开阔了学生眼界,提高学生世界观,鼓励学生走出自己的舒适圈,参与世界问题的探讨。11年级的学生还有2周社会实践课程,到国外用艺术表演传递世界和平。我女儿从世界公民课程中学了不少。

(5) Extracurriculars

There are many extracurricular opportunities at the school. Students have the opportunities to sing, dance, play musical instruments and give drama performances and develop talents both in and outside of class. Students are learning team spirit and gain confidence in this way. Because all the activities are arranged for fun, more and more students love to participate. 学校提供许多机会让学生唱歌,跳舞,演奏乐器,以及表演话剧,施展天赋。传播正能量。学生在校内校外投入表演,不断增强团队意识,提升自信心,颇有成就感。所有的课外活动都是为了快乐和传播快乐,所以吸引了越来越多的学生参与。

(5) Students

Students at Nancy Campbell Academy are from diverse cultures. To encourage them to work well with each other, the school sets up the Student Council. The council is made up of the students from different backgrounds, with duties to help other students with all kinds of problems, to hold activities, to make certain decisions. They act as representatives of every voice. In addition, the morning assembly each day is led by the principal himself and provides students with more opportunities to express their points of view. Apart from these, the small size of each class (less than 15 students) it builds a better student-friendly atmosphere and enables each student to receive individual attention from their teachers. As a result, the classroom instruction of the school is quite effective. 南希坎贝尔的学生来自世界各地,为了让学生更好地相互合作,学校建立学生会,由来自不同文化背景的学生担任,主要任务是帮助解决各种问题,举行活动,以及制定计划。其次,由校长亲自带领的每天早上的师生会让学生有更多的机会表达自我。另外,学校坚持的15人以下小班授课,营造了以学生为中心的氛围,让学生可以得到老师直接的关注,课堂教学便更为有效。

(5) School Life

My daughter loved her school life at Nancy Campbell Academy, and even now she can still clearly recall the exciting days she had. During the three school years, she enjoyed the student-friendly atmosphere and followed the dynamic pace set at the school. She grew in so many ways. She grew to respect the talented teachers and make great friends from different foreign countries. She also appreciated the transformation the school helped her to achieve from a shy girl to a confident young lady. Nancy Campbell did provide her with the wings to soar. The most important of all, my daughter now is a happy and grateful person, and like most of the graduates from the school, she has the motivation to learn and explore. 我女儿喜欢南希坎贝尔,至今还能清楚回忆她的高中学习生涯。 令她难忘的是学校友好的氛围和有生机的节奏,有天赋的老师们和来自各国的好友。她非常感激学校让她从沉默寡言变成活泼自信的女生。 最重要的是如今我女儿是一位快乐和感恩的人,与其他南希毕业生一样,爱学习和探索。

(4.5) Community

Parents' cooperation is important in education at Nancy Campbell Academy. Parents are very welcome to attend daily assembly sessions and some other school activities, from which they can gain direct and clearer ideas about what the school is doing and its priorities at the moment. In addition, parents can make use of the social opportunities to communicate with the teachers and other parents. l met many parents who offered their time and efforts to make contributions. Some prepared ethnic food for students to taste and some helped with decorations for special events encouraging students to experience the cultural diversity. l believe with more enthusiastic parents' involvements, the school will be more lively and students will have more passion to learn and perform. 家长的配合至关重要。在南希坎贝尔,家长们经常被邀请参加每日一次的师生集会和其他的学校活动。家长们从中可以更直接了解学校的进展以及关注点。此外,家长可以借此机会与学校老师和其他家长沟通。许多热心家长贡献时间和精力为学校助阵。有些为孩子准备异国风情小吃,有的为庆祝特殊活动装饰,鼓励学生体验不同文化。我相信,越多家长的参与,会使学校更有生机,有助学生的学习和发挥。

(5) School Location

Nancy Campbell Academy is located in the center of Stratford, Ontario. It is very convenient for students to find a place to relax or to entertain themselves, at restaurants, coffee shops, theaters and gyms that are round the corner. Shopping is also within walking distance. All the students are entitled to free access to the gym facilities including the swimming pool in YMCA. 南希坎贝尔校址在Stratford小城的中心区。学生去周边吃饭,喝咖啡,看演出以及运动均非常方便。此外,每位南希坎贝尔的学生有YMCA的健身卡,可享用运动馆里的任何健身器械包括游泳池。

(5) Admissions

Admission process at Nancy Campbell Academy is quite easy and simple. The teachers from the admission office are very helpful and efficient. If your kid is an international student, the teachers will guide you through a series of steps as required. They may arrange an interview with your kid somewhere or online. After the admission procedures are successfully done, you can get everything ready and start applying for your kid’s study permit. According to my experience, it only took a couple of weeks for the entire application to go through. For domestic students, admission process will be even easier. 南希坎贝尔学校的录取过程是简单方便的。招生办的老师负责又高效。如果您的孩子是属于国际生,老师会根据需要的要求帮助您完成一个系列步骤。他们或许会给您家孩子安排一个线上或线下的面试。 一旦完成入学手续,您就可以准备材料申请学生签证。通常只需要几周时间就可以完成所有手续的办理。如果您是加拿大境内的学生,手续自然更为简便。请不要犹豫立刻申请南希坎贝尔,它的确是您家孩子合适的选择帮助他们成长!

(5) University placement and counselling

Nancy Campbell Academy provides students from 11 to 12th grade with comprehensive university placement and counselling service, which helps the students who desire to apply for universities in Canada plan ahead, enabling them to make themselves more ready to achieve all the credits required by the potential university admission offices. The school invites the university representatives to answer questions, students' concerns, and meanwhile the counsellor guides the students by walking them through their application processes. Most of the 12th grade students have no problem meeting the requirements from their chosen universities, nor have they faced any obstacles in their applications. My daughter's situation is case in point actually - who successfully got all the offers from the universities she applied to, due to the detailed assistance from the school. 南希坎贝尔为十一和十二年级的学生提供大学申请和咨询服务。指导老师帮助有意向在加拿大申请大学的学生提前准备,使学生更好地完成他们所意向的大学的一切课程及学分要求。学校邀请各大院校招生代表回答学生相关问题。同时,指导老师给予学生详细升学过程辅导。 大多数的12年级学生都能顺利完成申请,我女儿当年成功获得所有申请学校的录取通知应该归功于学校的帮助。


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