On May 29th, many parents attended the cabaret night celebrating a drama event at Bond. They gathered together in the gym to enjoy desserts, wine, cheese and the entertainment provided by their children on the stage. Bond Drama Club members performed the “Lion and Mouse Stories” by Colleen Neuman.
“I wanted to involve everyone who would like to be involved in a production and not just include the strong actors. We had a strong group of 45 participants.” said Elizabeth Van Wyck, the Drama Class Teacher at Bond. “My biggest challenge was finding a play that would showcase the groups' talents as a whole.”
“During our Cabaret Drama Night, I was most proud and impressed to see the students work together very well as one cohesive group. The children supported one another such that it was clear they understood that there were not a few Stars but 45 stars that all shone together! ” Ms. Van Wyck emphasized that successful drama work relies on working co-operatively with other actors, giving your scene partners your full attention, focusing, and sharing the stage with them. She added: “Teamwork, focus and risk-taking (the willingness to do something new or to take a chance that you might look silly) are paramount to creating and presenting a successful piece of theatre.”
The children's success not only showed in their work, but in the response from the audience. “We were impressed to see how well the students did last night. They showed a lot of energy, and the show turned out great!” said some members of the audience after the play.
Ms. Van Wyck recognized the generous donation of free tickets and full season subscriptions from several theatre companies/arts groups, including: 4th Line Theatre, Musical Stage Company, Scarborough Music Theatre, Scarborough Players, Scarborough Theatre Guild, Curtain Call Players, and Toronto Concert Band. We also received a donation of two tickets to The Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake. There will be a silent auction for those tickets between June 1st and June 8th.
“The evening would not have been the success that it was without the teamwork behind the scenes. Thank you everyone!” said Ms. Van Wyck “I would like to extend my thanks to all the family members, friends and staff members who came out to take part in the Drama Club's Cabaret Night. Thank you for the joy your presence brought to the Drama Club Members!”
For more pictures, please visit: http://www.bondacademy.ca/gallery.asp?album=630