It is with great pleasure that we cordially invited all faculty, students, family and friends to the Awards Ceremony 2015 /Soirée des prix d’excellence 2015, held on Friday, May 29th at 7:00pm at Académie de la Capitale.
The Awards Ceremony/Soirée des prix d’excellence was a semi-formal evening to celebrate the many achievements of the students at Académie de la Capitale, in the form of awards and scholarships, along with good company, beverages and delicious finger foods. We also took the time to mention the many achievements of our Grade 12 graduates and our Grade 6 PYP graduates.
The awards were distributed to selected recipients in the Elementary, Middle and High School grades.
To see the different categories, Awards 2015 Categories.
To see the list of the recipients, Award 2015 Recipients.
We are looking forward to the second edition!
the AcadeCap team