On Tuesday, October 3rd, Bond Academy won the 2017 Somerset Fun Run at Milne Park in Markham!
Hosted by Somerset Academy, this cross-country meet welcomed students in grades 1 to 8 from 20 schools within the Small Schools Athletic Federation. This was Bond’s first time at the annual meet and our cross-country team of 60 runners was eager to do well after winning the Withrow Cup four years in a row. Everyone on Team Bond ran hard, cheered loudly and did our school proud!
The top five runners in each of eight races earned points for their school and medals were awarded to the top three. Bond Academy was declared the 2017 Somerset Fun Run Champion with first place finishes by Preston, Bethan, Dabiye and Gillian, and a fourth place finish by Alexander. In total, Bond had 14 runners who finished in the top 10 of their respective races.
Congratulations! Go Bond Go!
For more pictures, please visit: http://www.bondacademy.ca/gallery.asp?album=649