After establishing P.A.C.E. in 1993, and following 26 wonderful years, the time has come for Barbara Rosenberg to officially announce her retirement as Director of P.A.C.E. She wishes to thank the P.A.C.E. parents, both past and present, for entrusting their children to her; “It was a true honour,” she says, “guiding them from childhood into adulthood.” She will forever be grateful for the enormous collection of shared experiences indelibly imprinted on her mind. As of September 2019, she will, with pleasure, continue to work closely with P.A.C.E. in the capacity of Educational Consultant.
It should come as no surprise, that after 20 years of mentoring, she is proud to announce that the next Director of P.A.C.E. will be Janice Gruchy. Being immersed in gifted education and the many theories and pedagogies that accompany this unique field, Ms. Gruchy has become a true specialist in gifted education, and will no doubt continue to set the bar high for P.A.C.E.’s students. Rosenberg says, “I am excited to watch the next 26 years of continued successes unfold under Janice’s direction.”
Barbara Rosenberg would like to thank the P.A.C.E. community for travelling this road with her, a road that has been a very large part of her way. Saying goodbye is never easy, but she is very much looking forward to the next chapter in her life. She will be truly missed!