Junior Academy was founded by Dianne Johnson in 1988 and was originally located in the basement of the Leaside Presbyterian Church. It opened its doors with only 4 students, but over the years, Dianne and her incredible staff grew Junior Academy into one of Toronto's finest Independant Schools.
On April 25th, Junior Academy hosted a party at One Restaurant to celebrate its 30th anniversary and to honour its Founder, Dianne Johnson. Last night was such a special event, as not only did many of our current families show up, but we also had families and graduates from the past. Some of the past students in attendance graduated from J.A. in 1999 and all the way up to 2012.
In the photo above, Mitch Baker '03, is seen talking to Mrs. Johnson.
"I look at Mrs. Johnson as a second mother." Mitch said. "Junior Academy helped me restore my confidence in myself and I know Mrs. Johnson played a pivotal role in who I am today".
Junior Academy is much more than just a school, it is a family, a community. We want to thank everyone who attended last night and we look forward to seeing you at our 40th!