Minecraft is offered the first Saturday of each month, from 9:00 to 12:00. Each Saturday, children, aged 6 and up, are invited to participate in a weekly challenge and work individually and in collaboration with children from across Ottawa.
The sessions begin with a Brain Gym activity that gets the children moving. Once this is done and the students are ready, a challenge is presented to them. On the Académie de la Capitale network, created within Minecraft EDU, students will build or create something. There will be a new challenge each week.
The children are encouraged to let their imagination run wild building, creating, and imagining new worlds, and joining in adventures with friends. They will be learning to work collaboratively as they progress through structured projects and challenges.
Loops, arrays, classes and applets, Junior Java coders will be learning all this and more as they program real JAVA applications. This Super Sats session features hands-on programming projects that will engage and inspire budding computer programmers.
The next JavaScript Super Saturday is on October 17, while the next Minecraft EDU Super Saturday is on November 7.