Cambridge International Students and teachers planned and organised our very first "Dance Marathon/Talent Show" to raise funds for SickKids Hospital. It has been a great learning opportunity for our students to understand the significance of taking action to make positive changes in children's health.
The Dance Marathon was founded in 1991 by a group of students from Indiana University who wished to honor the memory of Ryan White, who passed away from HIV/AIDS. The Miracle Network Dance Marathon Movement has been and continues to be successful across the United States and only recently have Ontario Universities, Colleges, and High Schools joined this remarkable movement. All proceeds go directly to the school's local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. The proceeds will help in the areas of children's care, research and learning. Last year, more than 26 million dollars were raised to help children have a better future.
It is so unfortunate that many children are diagnosed with a life threatening disease. We could only imagine the difficult journey these families go through. Our students believe that the donations collected will give every child a "fighting chance opportunity" to get healthy and it will also provide hope to families when there are better medical treatments or even cures.
Our students did a fantastic job in raising funds! They exceeded their goal of $1000.00! We wish is to make the Dance Marathon an annual spring Fundraising event at Cambridge.