Instead of ranking Canadian private schools we offer our own Our Kids private school search but we shy away from ranking schools. Choosing an independent or private school should be based on personal criteria and proper research. Our Kids helps compile the information to help you choose the right private school for your child.
Canadian private school ratings
In terms of Canadian private school ratings or rankings, there are annual report cards offered by the Fraser Institute. The Fraser Institute's rankings of schools in Canada routinely demonstrate that private schools are doing a better job of educating children than are the public schools. You can learn more about these school rankings by going to
Advocates of public education routinely criticize school rankings such as those provided by the Fraser Institute, for example, because they ignore the fact that public schools are legally obligated to retain failing or troubled students.
Our Kids provides you with an easy way to find private schools and preschools from across Canada. We encourage you to go and check out the schools yourself (by attending a private school expo) This way, you can decide for yourself which particular private school is right for your child.