Mark Cohon: Upper Canada College Grad
- Canadian Football League Commissioner
- Upper Canada College
Q: How has independent school help shape you into the person you are today? What life skills did you learn at school?
A: The thing I enjoyed the most about my time at UCC was the diversity of experiences at the school. It was always a given that the education you would receive at UCC was one of the best in the country. What was more important to me was the extracurricular activities that help shaped me as a person. I loved my experience with sports at the school having played on the football, basketball and tennis teams. Being involved in sports taught me how to lead but also when to follow. I loved serving on the board of Stewards, which gave me insights into managing a group and being part of a leadership team. And, I loved that I lived right across the street from UCC. I think this is why I could never have a job where I would have a long daily commute!