Spring Term Registration is open. Come LOL and make art with us!
Here at LOLART School, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. We offer term classes for ages 3.5 - Adult. In the upcoming Term, from April 15th to June 23rd, learners in our level-based classes will be able to tune into their internal T-shirt and interior designer, as well as paint a wondrous scene with Plasticine clay!
If you're interested in learning more about us, take a look at all classes we offer:
level-based courses in Drawing and Painting, Clay, Learn Your Art Style: Art Movements, Digital Art, Portfolio: Animation, Portfolio: Project-based, Life Drawing sessions, and Adult Painting Workshops.
Sign up now at www.lolart.ca/reg
If you have any questions regarding classes, please feel free to call 647-350-8110 or email [email protected].