Are you ready? Cue the Drum Roll…. It is now time to announce the themes for STEM Camp in 2020!
We tried to keep it a secret until December, but we couldn’t wait any longer. We are so excited to share the incredible program our Education Director has planned that we have already started the countdown! It is t-minus 244 days until the first day of summer STEM Camp! Yaaaay!
Without further ado, here they are:
Boom! Crash! What is that in the sky? Is it a thunderstorm? Is it a tornado? No! It’s Thor, God of Thunder, and he is here with the other Avengers to save the day! As “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes”, the Avengers, have lots of super powers. During Avengers week, campers will learn and re-create (STEM Camp style) super powers such as incredible strength, the ability to fly and Iron Man’s rocket capability. Campers will also have a chance to build Captain America’s shield, create Spiderman’s web, make lightning and build a Tony Stark vortex cannon.
Where else can you have an opportunity to save the world by using your creative and imaginative brains! Be the hero of planet Earth and protect us all by fighting off zombie-like creatures and defending objects with fortifications you can build. Be creative by designing worlds and battle arenas that will make you the champion of the universe! But…you will need help. During Fortnite week, campers will launch air rockets, design Fortnite vehicles and gliders, do basic IF-THEN coding, design their own Fortnite skin and build a Fortnite pirate cannon to help them in their quest. Fortnite week is a chance to hone your STEM skills in the ultimate challenge to defend your home planet!*
Summer Olympics
Since 1896, Canadian athletes have won 302 medals at the Summer Olympics. Wow! Everyone knows that Olympic athletes are incredible athletes, but what about the STEM behind the Olympics? During the Summer Olympics week our team has created an amazing lineup of activities such as making the Olympic rings, building archery equipment, coding obstacle courses, creating electric sports drinks, coding a robotic race track, designing your own sport and making an exceptionally strong medal. A few sports activities will be thrown in to keep you active and energized as well. Who knows, maybe the next Olympic athlete will be a STEM Camp graduate!
Harry Potter
Good morning Mr. Potter! Did you bring your best wizardry skills to camp today? You may be called upon at any time to help defend Hogwarts against the dark arts. No? Forgot your wand at home? No problem. This week at STEM Camp you will learn how to make magical masking fog, prepare a magic potion, create muggle water, use invisible ink and use herbology to defend Hogwarts! You will also play a game of quidditch by shooting the golden snitch and design and build your very own Hogwarts! Will you be the next amazing wizard in your house?
What do you think?
Can’t wait for summer to start? We can totally relate!
Share with us which one is your favourite Stem Camp theme and tag your friends, so they too can get ready to be amazed by the world of STEM!
Registrations start January 3rd. Stay tuned!