On October 17th, universities across Ontario hosted the 11th annual Go ENG Girl, which is organized in partnership with the Ontario Network of Women in Engineering (ONWiE). Go ENG Girl gives girls in grades seven to ten the chance to explore opportunities in engineering through a number of hands-on activities. It also provides the students and their parents with the information they need to choose the right high school courses in order to study engineering at the post-secondary level.
U of T’s Engineering Student Outreach Office (ESOO) welcomed 100 girls who participated in several workshops, which included completing a circuit to build an alarm system and learning about hydraulics to design a crane that lifts small objects. These design challenges encourage girls to pursue engineering as an area of study and a career.
One Grade nine participant said, “I think engineering is a really cool subject… it makes a difference and I want to make a difference in the world.”
“It is crucial for U of T Engineering to host events such as Go ENG Girl,” said Dean Cristina Amon, “It is a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate that engineering is about more than technology or machinery—it is a caring profession that improves people’s everyday lives and solves global challenges.”
Contact Name:
Engineering Student Outreach Office
Phone Number:
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