Don't miss the chance to get your soccer skills in shape! Through interactive games, drills, and camp challenges, children will be introduced to basic soccer skills, such as dribbling, passing, and shooting. This camp will provide children an opportunity to develop both as young soccer players, and as teammates. Each week will be focused on age-appropriate, fun and skill-developing games, with a World Cup twist! Players will be given a chance to share their skills during individual, and camp-wide challenges, earning points towards their team. To conclude the week, children will participate in a 'World Cup' style soccer tournament where they will be encouraged to dress up and compete, as representatives of their assigned country.
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Date TBD
Oakville, ON
2050 Neyagawa Boulevard Time TBD
Cost TBD
Recreational Instructional
Intense or CompetitiveKick Start Soccer Camp is run by Rotherglen Summer Camp.
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