Irish dance has a long history of group and solo dances - this camp will introduce elements of both. Our morning will begin with rhythm and brain-based warm-ups. We will learn the basics of an Irish brush dance and share in a ceili (group) dance. We want to inspire campers and ignite a love for movement, music, and self-expression. Throughout the day, we will do a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to engage campers in a day of fun and creativity. Campers will gain coordination, rhythm, and confidence. For the remainder of the day, children will do a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to engage campers in a day of fun and creativity. No previous dance experience necessary.
Date TBD
Kitchener, ON
14 Shaftsbury Dr Time TBD
Cost TBD
Recreational Instructional
Intense or CompetitiveIrish Dance Day Camp is run by Kaleidoscope Irish Dance & Movement Studio.
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