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La Citadelle Summer Camp

36 Scarsdale Road, North York, Ontario, M3B 2R7

  • Type:
    Day camp
  • Focus:
    Traditional (multi activity)
  • Cost:
    $439 to $450/week
  • Ages:
    2.5 to 12
  • Gender:
  • Main language:
  • Capacity:
    12 to 18
  • Programs:
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  • Summary

    La Citadelle Summer Camp answered our questions

    Who are you as an organization?

    Located in our spacious facility, our summer camp incorporates an exciting array of activities, sports, arts & crafts, science & technology as well as an educational enrichment component. Registration is offered weekly in July for campers ages 4-13, while our Daycare runs at the same time. Call today to reserve your child’s journey of learning & fun. Limited spaces available!

    • Special needs: Not available

    What do you do differently or uniquely well?

    This information is not available.

    Who are your staff and counsellors?

    This information is not available.

    What do families need to know about registration?

    This information is not available.

  • Programs, Rates & Dates

    Programs and Sessions Calendar

    Choose the right programs and sessions for your child; La Citadelle Summer Camp currently has 1 program available; 3 TBD.

    Filter Activities

    Type (Gender)
    Ages: 4 - 12
    Day Camp
    Traditional (multi activity)
    $360 to $540/week
    Baking/Decorating|Arts & Crafts|Drawing|Painting|Papier-mache|Animation|Gaming|Robotics|Technology|Instructor lead (group)|Chess|Credit Courses|Language Instruction|LEGO|Math|Reading|Badminton |Baseball/Softball|Basketball|Dodgeball|Soccer|Volleyball|Cycling|Hockey|Karate|Ping Pong|Swimming
    Ages: 4 - 12
    Day Camp
    Traditional (multi activity)
    $390 to $490
    Hip Hop|Musical instrument training|Percussion|Arts & Crafts|Drawing|Painting|Papier-mache|Health Science|Badminton |Basketball|Dodgeball|Hockey|Mountain Biking|Ping Pong|Rollerblading|Skateboarding|Soccer|Volleyball
    Ages: 2 - 4
    Traditional (multi activity)
    $2,235 to $2,980
    Storytelling|Arts & Crafts|Drawing|Mixed Media|Painting|Instructor lead (group)|Instructor lead (one on one)|Public Speaking|Reading|Animals|Archaeology/Paleontology|Badminton |Basketball|Soccer
    Ages: 12 - 18+
    Traditional (multi activity)
    $1,500 to $2,000
    Instructor lead (group)|Instructor lead (one on one)|Creative writing|Credit Courses|Language Instruction|Social Justice|Math|Public Speaking|Reading|Medical Science|Test Preparation|Writing|Basketball|Dodgeball|Volleyball

  • Insider Reviews & Perspectives

    The Our Kids review of La Citadelle Summer Camp

    our take

    La Citadelle was established in 2000 with just 5 students and operating out of a church basement. The program has grown considerably since then, with an annual enrolment of 200 students spanning prep-K to Grade 12. Further, in 2015 the school moved into a new space, doubling the size of the physical plan and providing an opportunity to grow the student population and its programs significantly. Despite that growth, the approach remains true to the original intentions. Since its inception La Citadelle has been progressive, and while achievement is one of the six core values, so are compassion and harmony. The camps extend the work of the school into the summer months, and make use of the first-rate facilities. They include a nice range of activity, as well as academic support to help support learners, or couteract the academic effects of the summer break. Some families also use the camps to get a better sense of the school, or to acclimate new students, as well they should.

    More reviews of La Citadelle Summer Camp

    Jason, Alum


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    A, Parent


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    Liane, Parent


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    Andrei, Parent


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    Terry, Parent


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    Nadine, Parent


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    Vashtee and Kevin, Parent


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    Christina, Parent


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    Headley Family, Parent


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    Ying, Parent


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    Julie, Parent


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    Nimen, Parent


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    S, Parent


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    Anna, Parent


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    Deena, Parent


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    Katarina, Parent


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    Roza, Parent


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    More reviews of La Citadelle Summer Camp

    Jason, Alum


    As a former student of La Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science I can attest to the strong, well-rounded education offered by Mr. Abouchar and his dedicated staff. In May of this year, I completed Medical School at McGill University and following my graduation, I found myself reminiscing with my family about the people who have a had formative role in shaping the person that I am today. A name that we all brought up was Alfred Abouchar. As one of first five students to attend La Citadelle, I can recall Mr. Abouchar doing triple duty as headmaster, science teacher and friend. Alfred (he would let the students call him by his first name) wasn’t just the principal, he was also a mentor. From these humble beginnings, La Citadelle grew quickly, however Mr. Abouchar and his teachers never lost that personal touch. Every student knew that the teaching staff believed in their potential. In all honesty, my attendance at La Citadelle was a turning point in my education. It was here where I learned that I could not only achieve academic excellence, but that an interest in the arts and language were also key components to both personal success and happiness. Alfred, I cannot thank you enough ... Show More

    A, Parent


    It is rare for me to lapse into hyperbole. However, the accomplishments of M. Abouchar and his extraordinary team of educators at La Citadelle, are nothing short of remarkable. In an environment where we are bombarded by slick marketing from all manner of educational institutions, it is oftentimes difficult to clearly see where one’s child can best thrive. Most of the well known private schools pride themselves on their large campuses, their extensive athletic facilities, and other material representations of “success”. La Citadelle, however, quietly prides itself on its students: their intellectual, emotional, physical and social well being. Everything at this school is slanted towards providing an incredible journey of growth and learning for the children, who range in age from pre-school, to Grade 12/Level 4. The students’ successes, during their tenure at La Citadelle, as well as in their post-secondary education and careers, are well documented and speak for themselves. La Citadelle is an environment that values ethics and personal responsibility, as much as it values high academic achievement . It is an environment where children do not receive “instruction”, they receive true education - together with the dialogue that one can have only with teachers who are passionately devoted to their metier. The class sizes are very small, and perhaps some parents (and potential students) might worry about the childrens’ social life. In reality, we all know now that one of the key areas for furthering a child’s development is through the interaction with highly intelligent, socially-aware, and motivated adults. I am hard pressed to think of a more amazing group of such adults than the teachers at La Citadelle. Our daughter has been growing and thriving in the three years since she has been attending this school. She has been presented with great role models, from both the teachers as well as from older students, and she herself is taking on more leadership, and understanding the mentoring role that she can play in the lives of the younger children. Imagine my delight over the past December holidays, when I saw her engaged in a flurry of e-mails with her English teacher. He had taken the time, during the vacations, to not only review her draft of a major assignment, but to have returned it with an extensive set of observations, commentary and suggestions. This kind of devotion to students, their learning and their growth, is par for the course at La Citadelle, and one that has, in turn, earned our devotion to this amazing school ... Show More

    Liane, Parent


    A small school with a BIG heart. Academic Excellence, kind, caring, supportive, devoted teachers and staff, with the right balance of structure. Fulfilling and fun!

    Andrei, Parent


    Our son has been enrolled here for more than 10 years and this is a testament of our credence to the school values, educational principles, the holistic approach and philosophy towards teaching, offered in a caring and heartfelt environment, and all wrapped up in a bilingual package. All this coupled with many interesting extracurricular activities have formed La Citadelle as a strong community where children, parents and teachers alike have enabled the marriage between two institutions: the school and the family ... Show More

    Terry, Parent


    Both my daughters have been going here since prepK. Incredible facility and staff. The growth I see in my kids assures me that this is the school for them. The positive talk from them about the teachers and their friends is comforting ... Show More

    Nadine, Parent


    La Citadelle offers a safe and structured environment for our daughter. The school has a strong bilingual academic curriculum with a positive atmosphere for successful learning. The class sizes are practical, allowing noticeable attentiveness to each student. The variety of art, sports and musical activities the school has to offer really enrich the quality of learning. There is a real feel of community within the school, where staff, teachers and students know one another and contribute to making La Citadelle a pleasurable environment. Bonne Ecole! ... Show More

    Vashtee and Kevin, Parent


    My wife and I selected La Citadelle after perusing their booth at one of the OurKids private school expos and also attending two open days at the campus itself. We have been very impressed with the new location as well as the inclusive, community driven, safe and welcoming environment for a multi-faceted and wholesome bi-lingual education of our son. We would certainly recommend La Citadelle to any prospective parents looking for well-rounded environment for their children to very high academic and personal standards ... Show More

    Christina, Parent


    La Citadelle is really impressive to my family because of its care from the teachers. It forms a big families. My son loves to go to school everyday. The students are good mannered and friendly. We absolutely choose this school ... Show More

    Headley Family, Parent


    Congratulations Monsieur Abouchar - and to your colleagues. It's clear that you have managed to create a unique learning environment that is both nurturing and challenging - and that enriches the lives and character of your students beyond pure academics. Developing the minds and emotional intelligence of young students in this age of increasing distraction is quite a task ..... and I commend and admire those who are up to the task. It takes a tremendous commitment - at every level - to encourage young people to remain focused - with all that competes for their attention. For educators to be able to cut through the noise - and to find ways to harness the attention of their students is no easy task - and yet at La Citadelle the program offering manages to do that quite well - academically, socially, culturally, emotionally. We are so appreciative for everything La Citadelle has contributed to our daughters' growth and development. The years spent at this school have undoubtedly forged life-long memories, formidable impressions and precious friendships not only for her, but for us as parents. For that, we will be forever grateful ... Show More

    Ying, Parent


    It's just an amazing school. Our son joined the bilingual school with little French in Grade 7. It is challenging in the first year, since half the courses are instructed in French. But the teachers are very nice and they teach those subjects in both French and English. In the French immersion environment, my son’s French level is advancing so fast that just after one and half year he can already enjoy French Cartoon show and he is quite capable at reading and writing as well. Plus, I am also very impressed about his incredible improvement in English. I would recommend the school for the all-rounded and well balanced curriculum, warm, pleasant and engaging environment, and above all, dedicated, caring and high level teachers and staff. High achieving students will get good challenges, while underachievers will get extra attention and assistance to develop good working and studying habits. Besides academic excellence, the school also values character education and help student develop social and emotional skills. The school offers IB programs starting from Grade 6. It is definitely a wise choice for high school education ... Show More

    Julie, Parent


    It is a very safe, friendly and academic strong school. It fosters a very welcoming and inclusive culture. I was amazed by the hand writing of their grade 1 students. So neat and beautiful! School also has a very strict cell phone policy and doesn’t allow student to use cell phone during class. An excellent place for kids to learn and grow ... Show More

    Nimen, Parent


    My son has been studying at La Citadelle for 2 years. I am very happy about everything that the school has provided to my son since grade 5. The teachers are very patient and very very nice. When my son first joined the school, he didn't know how to do a presentation. The teacher was very nice and encouraging and guided him through, and gave him lots of opportunities to practice. Now my son loves doing presentation. My son's English AND French got improved a lot. I am really grateful for sending my son to La Citadelle ... Show More

    S, Parent


    Our daughter started at La Citadelle International Academy at two & a half years old in Pre-K. The school convinced us that a full time program would be most beneficial for her advancement in the French language. We were skeptical but gave them the benefit of doubt. Looking at the workbooks the preschoolers were doing at our first parent -teacher meeting made us firm believers - We were astonished a three year old was capable of accomplishing what we saw. La Citadelle Academy supports the well being and development of the whole child - intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically. Emphasis is placed on developing independence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence and most importantly respect for others. The teachers and staff are wonderful and try hard to get to know all the students. It is a family like atmosphere of teachers, students and parents alike. Our daughter's French language skills are developing at a remarkable pace. She is always happy to go to school and full of smiles when we pick her up. We are so happy to have embarked on this journey with La Citadelle International Academy ... Show More

    Anna, Parent


    Our grandson started at La Citadelle a few months ago and we are very happy with the choice we made. The academics at the school are very strong and require hard work but the approach to every child is so special that results are coming reasonably fast. All teachers are experienced and dedicated to their work. All of them have great personalities. The environment at the school is very friendly and accommodating. La Citadelle is a great foundation for our grandson's future ... Show More

    Deena, Parent


    I have just finished scanning and sending out my daughter's Math test because I had to shift that on that day to online learning, and I want to take this opportunity to express my ultimate and huge gratitude towards the work and effort that has been put that made my daughter be able to write this test that perfectly! I was speechless when I took a look at her completed Math exam paper. I couldn't believe myself or my eyes that she was able to understand it and complete it that perfectly in French (which is considered a foreign language to her) without even stumbling or asking for help!! I raise my hat to La Citadelle Management and to her teacher Mme Nada for turning her in just 5 months into this!!! ❤❤❤❤❤ Right before the start of this academic year, she didn't have the slightest knowledge of either French or Math. She had no basics taught to her and she couldn't differentiate between some letters and some numbers. I can't believe the extreme transformation that has happened to her. I will forever be grateful. August 2019 A wonderful School with a strong bilingual education and curriculum, amazing staff and a safe environment for my kids. My daughter used to hate going to school before she joined La Citadelle. After joining La Citadelle, my daughter started to love going to school and enjoys learning and doing her everyday homework. She learns so many different things everyday. I can see a huge development in her language skills in both English and French at the same time and her mathmetical and arts skills. This school is one of a kind! Mr. Alfred and all his team are true gems and the reason why this school is a true success ❤ I would recommend it to anyone. It is one of the best of the best schools out there ... Show More

    Katarina, Parent


    La Citadelle Academy doesn't only give a strong academic foundation but provides a safe, supportive and loving learning environment. The staff are extremely nice and always there to offer you help. The school is very clean and well organized. The students are extremely polite and well behaved. Thanks to the wonderful and dedicated teachers my son, who only started at La Citadelle this year, is already talking, writing and reading in French. His English writing and reading skills have skyrocketed and he's light years ahead of his peers who attend other schools. The kid who had no interest in French is now enjoying lessons in math, science, geography, and history, all taught in French. He loves all his teachers who have been incredibly helpful and always offered extra assistance when he needed it. My son wakes up every morning with a big smile and he cannot wait to go to school bright and early. He wears his uniform with pride and calls himself, "A La Citadelle Student". Thank you to Mr. Alfred and all the amazing and dedicated staff for making La Citadelle a truly a wonderful place of learning and growing. This is a school focused on traditional education that truly works. We are so happy to be part of the La Citadelle Family ... Show More

    Roza, Parent


    Hands downs the best and most unique educational atmosphere that I have ever experienced.

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  • Location & Gallery

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    La Citadelle Summer Camp is operated by the school La Citadelle International Academy of Arts & Science.


    36 Scarsdale Road, North York, Ontario, Canada


    Washrooms Facilities

    • Flush Toilets
    • Showers (indoor)

    Is La Citadelle Summer Camp technology free? Yes Cellphones not permitted for campers during camp hours.

  • What's New

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does La Citadelle Summer Camp have good reviews?
    We've collected reviews from past attendees. Read 17 reviews of La Citadelle Summer Camp here.

    What types of programs does La Citadelle Summer Camp offer?
    La Citadelle Summer Camp runs: Traditional (multi activity) day camps, year-round programs. Browse the program calendar for rates and dates.

    What age does La Citadelle Summer Camp start?
    La Citadelle Summer Camp has programs for children aged 2.5 to 12.

    How much does is cost to attend La Citadelle Summer Camp?
    Fees to attend La Citadelle Summer Camp range from $439 to $450/week.

    Does La Citadelle Summer Camp offer support for children with special needs?
    La Citadelle Summer Camp does not offer support for children with special needs.

    Does La Citadelle Summer Camp offer busing?
    No, La Citadelle Summer Camp does not offer transportation.

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