We’d like to address a common concern for parents and their children: separation anxiety. Whether it’s the first day of school or camp, it’s normal for kids to feel nervous about being separated from their parents. The dreaded Monday Morning Meltdown is not something you or your child particularly enjoys and we acknowledge that.
In our experience at Laurus Summer Camp, getting through that first goodbye is the hardest part for most children. Tears and tantrums are common for young first-time campers. But, after meeting their counsellors and playing some ice-beakers, those same kids are usually goofing around with new friends by lunchtime.
There’s no guaranteed way to avoid a Monday Morning Meltdown, but here are a few strategies to make that first drop-off easier for you and your kids.
1. Prepare early
If possible, introduce your child to their soon-to-be teachers and counsellors. Laurus will be hosting an on-campus open house in advance of our Laval Summer Camp season. The open house is a perfect opportunity for kids to get comfortable with their counsellors and the facility. When drop off day comes, your child will be greeted by a familiar face.
Link to: http://lavalsummercamp.com/2018/02/17/separation-anxiety-monday-morning-meltdown/