RISE is an introductory youth development leadership program for campers who have “been there, done that”, or for those looking for that little extra above and beyond the regular camp daily program. It allows for participants to experience all the great activities of camp, but also learn how to design and run a program, experience a bit of cabin leading while shadowing one of our Jumpstart camp leaders, and run an exciting activity. It’s an introduction to how camp works, learning through practical experience. RISE participants are still able to sign up for focus programs.
During week one, RISE will be a part of regular camp with some added sessions and programs in the evenings, unique to the program.
Week two, sees these young leaders experiencing what it’s like to lead some of our Junior and Jump Start campers, as well as help our program team develop and execute some awesome all-camp games and activities. Campers will be housed in the tabin village and/or one of the cabin villages.
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Date TBD
Westport, ON
304 IAWAH Rd., RR 2 Time TBD
Cost TBD
Recreational Instructional
Intense or CompetitiveRISE 14 day (Coed): Youth Development Leadership Program (Year 1) is run by Camp IAWAH.
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