Top Online drawing classes for 2024/2025

Unleash your inner illustrator

Online drawing classes teach kids' sketching, animation, and cartooning from home. Underneath the list, get advice on finding the best class for your child. Read more

List of online and virtual drawing classes providers on this page:

    Programs with Drawing, session dates TBD

    Online drawing classes hosted near you

    The world of virtual learning means you can learn from anywhere. However, you may also want to see programs that are hosted in your city, and discover if they offer in-person programs that are right for you. Click on your city below, to find local programs:

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    More than just online programs

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    What your child will learn in online drawing classes

    Here’s a look at the variety of things kids learn in online drawing programs. Consult individual classes listed above to discover what their focus is. 

    Varied drawing styles and media. Cartooning, animation, sketching, related visual arts are the focus in an online drawing class. Students will work mainly with paper and canvas, but also have opportunities to learn design software. These varied drawing styles and media help young artists determine which form and medium they like best. 

    Artistic skills. Through instruction and practice, kids improve their ability to represent the real world and learn to illustrate more accurately all the time. As in any kids' drawing class, they learn the basics of animation, comic art, and more. They learn to create pieces that resonate with their audience and evoke emotion. Every child has some basic artistic abilities that are put to the test and developed further in an online drawing class.

    Independent problem solving. Virtual classes give kids more space to learn on their own and discover solutions to their own artistic challenges. Working independently, they grow in their resourcefulness and independent thinking.

    Experimentation. Online drawing classes encourage kids to experiment and find their peculiar niche. Through this, they’re encouraged to be open-minded and stretch themselves. 

    Basic visual storytelling skills. Kids will learn how to use foreground and background, and apply colour, tone, and perspective to tell a narrative. These basic visual storytelling skills can then be applied to other artistic pursuits as they continue to develop and grow as artists. 

    Three benefits of online drawing classes

    Here is what your child will gain from virtual programs that teach drawing. 

    Promotes independent work habits. Online learning allows kids to work synchronously and asynchronously. Asynchronous learning relies on students’ independent learning and practice, and they learn to develop responsibility for their own deadlines, etc. Synchronous learning classes encourage kids to participate during class, working in real-time with their instructor. This also benefits their development of independent study skills. 

    Self-reflection and personal growth. Since online drawing classes are conducted from the comfort of a student’s home, kids have more time to work independently. In the comfort of their own home, kids are able to self-critique their work. Students feel more encouraged to explore their own ideas and feel supported by the feedback of the online instructor. 

    Development of a portfolio. As children complete art pieces, they’ll begin to establish a portfolio of their work. Their improvement and art style will be visible in these pieces. Kids who want to pursue visual arts occupations like interior design, architecture, or web design and other visual arts will learn to master skills and add material to their art portfolio.

    Questions to ask online drawing classes

    Here are some questions to ask kids’ online drawing classes you browse above, to make sure you find one that fits with your family’s needs.

    1. What tools should be bought before class?
    2. What software will kids need before they can begin the class?
    3. How involved are family members expected to be?

    Discover related camps

    Visual arts camp is a good next step for the developing artist who wants to meet other kids and teens who love art. Camps listed on this page offer a variety of arts programming. Kids will be able to apply and challenge their skills while venturing into otherart forms including painting, photography, and more. We also list after-school painting classes for kids

    Cartooning camp gets kids started on their career in as a graphic artist or novelist. Here, they develop more skills in the graphic arts, including design, comic book creation, and visual storytelling.

    Arts camp opportunities include a wide variety of choices, giving kids and teens a wide overview of the arts that they can learn from. 

    Combine the above with more information from 

    Sources and further reading

    "Tips to make virtual learning work for you."

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