A Brief History of Boarding Schools

A history of boarding from the United Kingdom to Canada

The British Tradition

British boarding schools have historically provided the model for boarding schools in Canada. Prime among the antecedents is the King’s School in Canterbury, England. It was founded in the year 597 and, until the dissolution of the monasteries act nearly a century later, it remained a cloistered religious institution. At King’s, students were kept apart from society at large, were instructed by clergy, and were expected to devote themselves to religious contemplation. Certainly, there wasn’t time for much else—there were 14 chapel services each day in addition to mass and daily prayers for the dead.

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King’s was a grammar school in the literal meaning of the term. The main focus of study was Latin grammar, the language of the church. While there were a few other subjects on offer, all were intended solely to prepare students for religious work, not creative thinking or academic engagement. There was music for religious services, astronomy and mathematics to set and interpret the church calendar, and law to prepare students for administrative roles in the church.


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Similarly, when Eton was founded in the 15th century by Henry VI, it was a charity school intended to provide free education to seventy boys. As Sir Henry Lyte wrote in his history of the school published in 1877, Eton reflected a renewed interest in the dissemination of knowledge, and that “a movement in popular education had set in.” He writes that the foundation of the school “is also important as marking a turning-point in the struggle between the regular and the secular clergy. During the middle ages the monasteries had been the principle seats of education in England, but their inefficiency had become notorious.” Lyte didn’t see it, perhaps, but it wasn’t so much a question of quality than it was a changing view toward the goal of education. The monasteries produced religious leaders, though the founders of Eton wanted instead to supply the universities with “scholars from a great grammar-school.” Ones that, in turn, would advance to positions of leadership within business and the military rather than the church.

That said, life at the school, by today’s standards, can seem strikingly monastic. Students were roused at 5 a.m., chanted prayers while they dressed, and were at their lessons by 6 a.m. They had two meals every day except Friday, when they weren’t fed at all. Lessons ended at 8 p.m. when all students went to bed.

When William Shakespeare attended King’s New School in Stratford, the school was open to all boys. There was no tuition. The only requirement for admission was the ability to read and write. “Pupils sat on hard wooden benches from six in the morning to five or six in the evening,” writes Bill Bryson, “with only two short pauses for refreshment, six days a week. … For much of the year they can hardly have seen daylight.” The school was, for the time, one of the best in the country. There Shakespeare learned Latin grammar and rhetoric (“one of the principle texts of the day,” writes Bryson, “taught pupils 150 different was of saying ‘Thank you for your letter’ in Latin”) and little else. “Whatever mathematics, history, or geography Shakespeare knew, he almost certainly didn’t learn it at grammar school.”

However daunting the experience may have been, the early boarding schools met the needs for which they were created, namely to educate boys into positions of religious leadership within a society that was organized, socially and politically, around religious life.

boarding schools
Illustration from A History of Eton College 1440-1875, by Sir Henry Churchill Maxwell Lyte. When the history was published in 1877, Eton had been operating as a boarding school for more than four centuries.


As society changed, so did the schools. At the time of the Reformation schools were removed from the authority of the church, marking an abrupt change in how education was conducted, and what it was intended to do. The Reformation coincided with (if not directly caused by) a decline in feudalism and a rise in nationalism, common law, and printed books.

Grammar schools soon reflected all of that, adopting new curricula and adjusting admissions in order to produce the human resources needed in post-Reformation England, one increasingly organized around the demands of a market economy. The result was the development in the sixteenth century of an educational curriculum based in humanism and a formulation of the liberal arts as we think of them today. The goal of education was to prepare free people for active roles in civic life. Debate, criminal law, logic and rhetoric were taught intensively for the first time. Math and geometry, once taught for the purposes of calendar making, were now taught also for the purposes of engineering and the maintenance of civic works. That kind of curriculum—liberal arts education grounded in classical languages and literature—persisted throughout Europe and North America well into the 20th century. While there has been a recent proliferation of alternative curricula, the foundation of education of North America still reflects those innovations undertaken in the 16th century. Often unwittingly, many of the alternative approaches do as well.


boarding schools
Eton, founded in the 15th century by Henry VI.


Imagining a better world

As Britain moved into the age of empire and industry, schools continued to evolve. By the 18th century—in response to Britain’s geographic and economic growth—students were learning modern languages, political leadership, military theory, and commerce. When Thomas Hughes wrote Tom Brown’s School Days in the 1830s, he used Rugby School as the setting, a school that his readers would have seen as strikingly modern. As he admitted at the time, Hughes created the characters of Tom and Dr. Arnold to illustrate how to live a good life and, by analogy, how to build a great nation. All the classic elements of the boarding school novel were there: students mentoring each other, a strong and empathetic teacher, sports and, inevitably, bullying and corporal punishment. With the help of friends and the advice of Dr. Arnold, Tom defeats the bully and becomes a mentor himself. He doesn’t cheat on homework, he plays cricket, and life goes on.

What would have struck early readers aren’t the things that strike us today. Corporal punishment, for example, would have seemed familiar, and not at all specific to boarding school. What also would have struck them were the educational reforms that Dr. Arnold brought to the school. What would have struck them were the educational reforms that Dr. Arnold brought to the school. Rugby wasn’t the King’s School, but something entirely different. Rugby was an example of a modern school addressing the needs of students in a modern world. Boys were encouraged to follow their desires, to think and act as individuals, and to choose their own path into religious, secular, or military life. That was big. Students, remarkably, were presented with options, choice, and an unprecedented range of individual autonomy.

Of course, there was also a dark side. While Hughes worked to show what boarding school could be, Dickens, as in Nicholas Nickleby, intended to show what it really was, exposing the faults that he found there. While writing the novel Dickens toured boarding schools, an experience that informed the fictional Dotheboys Hall, the boarding school for unwanted children that Nicholas attends. As cruel and abusive as the schoolmaster there may be, it seems that Dickens didn’t have to do much when creating the character—Mr. Squeers, even down to the wording of his business card, is a faithful portrait of William Shaw, a schoolmaster that Dickens had met. Not long after that meeting, Shaw was sued for blinding one of his students through physical abuse, malnourishment and neglect. Notes from the court case describe Shaw’s school, and the similarity between it and Dotheboys is striking.

The backbone of empire

Both Hughes and Dickens were writing at a time of intense change, both in England and the world. Indeed, it was change, specifically, that they were writing about. There was a significant rise in literacy, literature, and scientific inquiry. Schools were becoming more secular. There was a growing sense of how an individual might participate within society, and a greater awareness of the power of independent thinking.

During 1800s boarding schools cemented an association with the British ruling class, trading the religious focus for a military one. Sons of officers and administrators of the Empire attended boarding school while their parents fulfilled political and military postings overseas. The focus of education was diplomacy for the upper classes, and military life for those of lesser stature. Rudyard Kipling was an example of the former. He attended United Services College while his parents were stationed in India, an experience he wrote about in the novel Stalky & Co. Like Kipling himself, Stalky was educated to become part of the imperial machine. And he does. At the end of the book, fresh from that education, he is shown leading troops in India.

In life, as in fiction, boarding schools were part of the backbone of the empire, educating its military officers, senior clerics, lawyers, and administrators. They used the means that were popular for the time. Ben MacIntyre writes that Durnford School "epitomized the strange British faith in bad food, plenty of Latin and beatings from an early age.” At the school “there was no fresh fruit, no toilets with doors, no restraint on bullying, and no possibility of escape. Today such an institution would be illegal; in 1925 it was considered ‘character-forming.’”

School practices reflected a popular belief in social Darwinism—survival of the fittest—and that academic, moral, and physical strength were gained through challenge and adversity. Strict discipline, discomfort, even bullying was considered a necessary experience in the progress of moral and physical development. Royals experienced these things, too, not just students who came from poor families or who attended sub-standard schools. Thankfully, over the course of the 20th century, all of that would change.

Boarding in Canada

“What people teach their young is often what they think is most important. And so what people teach their children … in school gives us a very good sense of what the values of society are. What is it that you would like your children to learn? What is it that you’d like the next generation to learn?” 

—Margaret MacMillan

The oldest boarding school in Canada, King’s Collegiate School (now King’s-Edgehill School), in Windsor, Ontario, was founded by United Empire Loyalists in 1788. It was given royal assent by King George III the following year, the first instance that honour was bestowed outside Britain. Beginning with just 12 boys in a private home near Windsor, Nova Scotia, the school quickly set an educational standard for the region and, later, the country. It continues to hold a place in the national consciousness today. Because of the age and importance of the buildings, King’s College is a National Historic Site, a designation it has held since 1923.

King’s was created at moment of heightened political anxiety in the wake of the American Revolution. While there were schools in New York and New England, there were none in the British colonies that remained after American independence. The initial goal of the school was to prevent young men from traveling abroad to receive an education, men that would be needed to stay to administer and defend the colonies. While the school remained small, its alumni took prominent roles in military, legal, religious, and political life (including two fathers of Confederation).

King’s set the tone for other boarding schools that would be created in the British Empire outside of the UK. They were established so that the children of British ex-patriots could receive an authentically British education, as well as to retain and augment the human resources required to maintain the colonies. Schools throughout the commonwealth were organized in the same manner as their British counterparts—there were houses and headmasters, forms and terms—and reflected the values of Victorian England. The educational environment was much as we might imagine: high brow, strict, and reflective of all the class distinctions of the age. Leadership was an important topic, in part because it was of prime interest to many of the political leaders who sent their children to board. Further, the benefits were unequivocal—merely having gone to boarding school, regardless of any academic achievement there, was often considered a reasonable prerequisite to positions of leadership in business and political life.

Many of the best-known Canadian schools were founded in the late 19th century: Pickering College, 1842; Bishop Strachan School, 1867; Stanstead College, 1872; Ashbury College, 1891; St. Andrew's College, 1899. Life there, at least in the early days, was spartan and challenging in ways that no boarding school is today. At Upper Canada College, Frederick Hutt, a student in the 1830s, wrote to his brother, "I hope you will send plenty of nuts and cakes as I can hardly subsist on what we get."

Ted Rogers, founder of Rogers Communication, went to board when he was seven. Having had a nanny at home, he recalled that “I went from having somebody brushing my teeth for me to being caned if my teeth weren’t clean enough. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it was a bit of a shock.” He later described the school as his "a surrogate father" in the absence of his own father, who had passed away prior to his enrolment.

There was a strong association with the military, something that was still very prominent when Rogers arrived. The Cadet Corps of Upper Canada College was begun in 1869, and through its 127-year history it remained an integral part of school life. Students took part in regular drills and exercises, including those with active rounds. Boys were expected be prepared for deployment at any time, as occasionally they were. During the Fenian Raids of 1866 UCC students were mobilized to guard military buildings and the port in Toronto.

The cadet program was an expression of the spirit of volunteerism and the Victorian militia movement, and it maintained an ongoing association with the national military. Between 1875 and 1937 UCC produced six commanding officers of The Queen’s Own Rifles. During WWI, 1,089 volunteered for military service, and 176 gave their lives. In 1919, membership in the corps became compulsory for all students. None of this was unique to a particular to UCC school, with boarding schools and many public schools following suit. Many cadet corps remained active into the 1960s and 70s.

In time, however, the cadet programs began to feel less relevant, more relics of an earlier time. Which indeed they were, especially when real rifles were replaced with wooden ones, or when real training evolved into a kind of pantomime of military training, and when the relationship with the military became less explicit. At UCC the corps was formally retired in 1987, one of last of its kind in Canada. (Two schools, St. Andrews College and Bishop’s College School have active cadet corps, though for the most part the programs have evolved, becoming more akin to outdoor education programs than military.)

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List of boarding schools

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1. Schools with in-depth reports

These are the leading schools that Our Kids editors have covered most extensively so far, providing detailed insights and thorough analysis of their programs, student life, and more.

Trinity College School

Port Hope, Ontario
Ward St/Deblaquire St. N
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Meet them at the Expo: Oct 26

"We believe that healthy habits and universal values developed now go a long way in developing confident and caring global citizens who are ready to make a positive impact wherever their journey takes them.

  1. AP Capstone school with extensive AP course offerings
  2. Rural campus setting with 100 acres of fields and facilities
  3. Academic and service learning travel education programs
  4. Personalized guidance and support for academics and health and wellness

—From the school

  • Gr. 5 to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum
  • $32,500 to $87,750
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Trinity College School 32500 MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

St. John's-Kilmarnock School

Waterloo Region (Breslau), Ontario
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"SJK offers an enriched environment of exploration and experiential learning. Through its IB curriculum, SJK provides exciting experiences and guides students to discover their talents and passions. Go beyond at SJK.

  1. Accredited IB World Continuum School
  2. Experienced, passionate, professional teachers
  3. Project-based, design-thinking experiential learning
  4. Extensive co-curricular programs in athletics, arts, leadership and community service

—From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $21,290 to $78,800
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St. John's-Kilmarnock School 21290 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Havergal College

Toronto, Ontario
Lawrence Avenue West/Avenue Road
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"Havergal has been preparing young women to make a difference since 1894 through its innovative curriculum and future-ready programming with a focus on wellbeing and student agency.

  1. Beautiful 22-acre campus in the heart of Toronto.
  2. Innovative curriculum and future-ready programming for students.
  3. Small class sizes with a focus on wellness and student agency.
  4. Award-winning Art, Music and Drama departments.

—From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Girls)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum
  • $41,520 to $79,905
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Havergal College 41520 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Girls

Upper Canada College

Toronto, Ontario
St Clair Ave W/Avenue Rd
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"At Upper Canada College tradition, excellence and innovation meet. UCC inspires boys to lead lives of leadership, service and impact through transformative learning experiences that develop head, heart and humanity.

  1. High-achieving, all-round students
  2. Challenging but rewarding IB program
  3. First rate academics, athletics and arts
  4. 19 different sports and 80+ clubs

—From the school

  • Gr. SK to 12 (Boys)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $40,750 to $81,100
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Upper Canada College 40750 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Boys

St. George's School

Vancouver, British Columbia
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"St. George's School in Vancouver offers university-preparatory program to Canadian and International boarding students from Grade 8 to 12. The School's mission: Building Fine Young Men. One Boy at a Time.

  1. over 60 clubs and 50 sports to choose from
  2. outdoor education program starting in grade 1
  3. 7 bands and orchestra's
  4. computer animation, graphic design, sculpture classes, ceramics classses

—From the school

  • Gr. K to 12 (Boys)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $33,300 to $94,800
  • Day, Boarding
  • 1212 students
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St. George's School 33300 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Boys

Merrick Preparatory School

Merrickville, Ontario
St. Lawrence Street/Elgin Street
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"Whether your child is excelling or not reaching their potential, our inclusive, safe, diverse, and caring community, with individualized academic attention will improve academic standing, confidence and self-esteem.

  1. Distinctly Canadian - Uniquely Global
  2. Over 25 countries represented in the student population
  3. Rigourous Academics
  4. Diverse co-curriculars

—From the school

  • Gr. 9 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $17,000 to $58,900
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Merrick Preparatory School 17000 HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Appleby College

Oakville, Ontario
Lakeshore Road West/Fourth Line
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Meet them at the Expos: Oct 26, Oct 27

"Appleby College in Oakville is recognized globally as one of Canada's leading independent schools. Breadth, excellence, innovation and caring are the characteristics that define the essence of the Appleby experience.

  1. $5.3+ million in financial assistance
  2. 20+ AP courses & AP Capstone programme
  3. Social Emotional Learning and Positive Education
  4. S. Bruce McLaughlin Northern Campus

—From the school

  • Gr. 7 to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum
  • $45,250 to $90,270
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Appleby College 45250 MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Athol Murray College of Notre Dame

Wilcox, Saskatchewan
Railway Ave/Rouleau St
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"No other high school in the world has developed more Elite, Junior, Collegiate, USPORT, NCAA, National, Olympic or Pro athletes with over 215 in the NHL alone. ND graduates attend the top ranked universities worldwide.

  1. Private, independent, co-educational boarding high school, on 50 acres of land, founded in 1920
  2. Home to 300 students, grades 8 - 12, with 90% boarding from up to 20 different countries
  3. Exceptional academic standards, offering Honours & AP Stream or Advanced Courses
  4. 80% of all students are on Honour Roll with 100% graduation rate

—From the school

  • Gr. 8 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $3,530 to $61,950
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Athol Murray College of Notre Dame 3530 HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

Branksome Hall

Toronto, Ontario
Bloor Street East/Mount Pleasant Road
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Meet them at the Expo: Oct 26

"Branksome Hall is Toronto’s only leading International Baccalaureate (IB) World School for girls in JK-Grade 12, developing the leaders of tomorrow through the nurturing of curiosity and critical thinking at every age.

  1. 13-acre downtown campus
  2. Athletics and Wellness Centre
  3. IB programs: JK to Grade 12
  4. Leadership opportunities

—From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Girls)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $40,940 to $82,290
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Branksome Hall 40940 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Girls
Meet them at the Expo: Oct 26

"Focussed on Community First, Outdoors Every Day, and Authentic Learning, LCS offers a world-class, individualized, day/boarding program (Grades 9 -12) designed for teenager to be leaders who care, connect and contribute.

  1. Worldwide university acceptances
  2. 315 acres on Lake Katchewanooka
  3. AP Capstone School
  4. Harkness Method

—From the school

  • Gr. 9 to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum
  • $40,500 to $82,400
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Lakefield College School 40500 HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

2. Schools with standard reports

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Toronto, Ontario
Spadina/St Clair Ave W
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"The Bishop Strachan School is a leading independent JK-Grade 12 day & boarding school for girls. Students build academic skills to thrive at university and beyond. Over $2 million available in financial assistance." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Girls)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $39,800 to $78,200
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The Bishop Strachan School 39800 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Girls

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"GNS is an independent JK-12 International Baccalaureate boarding and day school in Victoria, BC, that empowers and supports each of our students to do their best through truth and courage in learning and in life." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $10,975 to $82,575
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Glenlyon Norfolk School 10975 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Homestay Boarding Day Coed

Rothesay, New Brunswick
Rothesay Rd/College Hill Rd
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"Our unique, daily Advisor Program ensures every student is surrounded by a strong network of highly qualified, dedicated faculty and staff whose mission is to provide academic, emotional, and social guidance and support." —From the school

  • Gr. 6 to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $26,390 to $76,140
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Rothesay Netherwood School 26390 MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

"We are a therapeutic boarding school for Gr. 3-12 students requiring individualized academic, clinical, and behaviour-management solutions in small class sizes and professional home stay or boarding environments" —From the school

  • Gr. 3 to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $33,500 to $99,500 /program
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Applewood Academy for Progressive Learning 33500 MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Homestay Boarding Coed

Winnipeg, Manitoba
Langside St./Westminster Ave.
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"Parents trust us to personalize the educational experience of each girl, to care for each girl, to challenge her to grow, to build a supportive community around her, and, most importantly, to prepare her for the future." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 12 (Girls)
  • Progressive curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $18,750 to $69,000
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Balmoral Hall School 18750 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Girls

Caledon, Ontario
Hwy 10/Old School Road
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"The Hill Academy is Canada's premier independent school for students in K-12/PG. Students are challenged in a supportive environment to explore the boundaries of their academic, athletic and leadership potential." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $13,500 to $75,000
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The Hill Academy 13500 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Homestay Boarding Day Coed

Victoria, British Columbia
Richmond Rd/McRae Ave
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"Independent Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 boarding and day school in Victoria, BC, Canada focusing on outstanding preparation for life. Find out how a SMUS education can benefit your family." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $23,590 to $91,010
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St. Michaels University School 23590 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

Stratford, Ontario
Ontario Street/Waterloo Street South
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"Private Secondary School in Stratford, Ontario dedicated to providing a holistic education that values happiness, academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility." —From the school

  • Gr. 7 to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum
  • $9,750 to $37,275
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Nancy Campbell Academy 9750 MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Toronto, Ontario
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"MIA is proud to foster a family environment through our small class sizes and close knit academic community. Our support for students goes far beyond the classroom to best prepare them for life after graduation." —From the school

  • Gr. 9 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $17,600 to $33,000
  • Day, Boarding
  • 230 students
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McDonald International Academy 17600 HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

Fort Erie, Ontario
Townline Rd./Niagara Parkway
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"Niagara Christian Collegiate offers both middle school and secondary school programs from Grades 6-12. Graduating students achieve top university placements around the world. We accept both day and boarding students." —From the school

  • Gr. 6 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $13,315 to $59,395
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Niagara Christian Collegiate 13315 MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed
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North Vancouver, British Columbia
Harbourside Drive/
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"Bodwell High School provides a competitive, well-rounded education with strong student support. The school's motto, "Strength in Diversity," pays homage to the 40+ countries students come from to live and learn together." —From the school

  • Gr. 8 to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $29,500 to $61,225
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Bodwell High School 29500 HighSchools Homestay Boarding Day Coed

Wellandport, Ontario
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"Robert Land Academy, established in 1978, is a private military-inspired boarding school (Grades 5-12) that helps boys build self-confidence, achieve academic success, develop values, and realize their potential." —From the school

  • Gr. 5 to 12 (Boys)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $64,000 to $75,000
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Robert Land Academy 64000 MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Boys

Duncan, British Columbia
Brownsey Avenue/Government Street
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"Queen Margaret's School is a gender inclusive independent day/boarding university preparatory school in Duncan, BC that focuses on preparing young trailblazers...no two journeys are the same." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $17,950 to $79,230
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Queen Margaret's School 17950 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed
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Markham, Ontario
Woodbine Av./Hwy 7
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"Since 2002, J. Addison has provided a stimulating education for students. Located at the corner of Woodbine and Valleywood Drive in Markham, ON, Canada, you will find our state-of-the-art 58,000 sq. ft. facility." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Coed)
  • Montessori curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $18,000 to $53,600
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J. Addison School 18000 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

Sherbrooke, Quebec
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"Bishop's College School is an English boarding and day school for students in grades 7 through 12. Small in size and culturally diverse, BCS is an IB World School offering the IB Diploma Programme and Canadian curricula." —From the school

  • Gr. 7 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $32,900 to $83,100
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Bishop's College School 32900 MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed
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Victoria, British Columbia
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"SMS has been leading the way in girls' education since 1908. Our 22-acre Victoria campus attracts leaders from around the world. We are the sole girl-centred school on Vancouver Island." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Girls)
  • Traditional curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $21,192 to $78,446
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St. Margaret's School 21192 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Girls

Hamilton, Ontario
Main St. W./Longwood Rd. S.
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"Columbia International College is Canada’s largest private boarding school, offering Grade 9 to 12 programs. #1 in scholarships awarded by universities. The University of Toronto's official Global Partner School." —From the school

  • Gr. 9 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $2,520 to $3,150 /course
  • Day, Boarding
  • 1700 students
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Columbia International College 2520 HighSchools Boarding Day Day Coed

Rosthern, Saskatchewan
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"RJC is a Grades 10-12 boarding school accredited by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. RJC is student and community-focused all while offering excellent academics and exceptional athletic and fine arts programs." —From the school

  • Gr. 10 to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $4,750 to $21,750
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Rosthern Junior College High School 4750 Boarding Day Coed

Lanciano, Chieti
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"Canadian College Italy provides a nurturing environment on our beautiful historic campus so that students may experience an intellectual awakening — a passion for the pursuit of reason, human connection, and curiosity." —From the school

  • Gr. 9 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • EUR €43,900
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Canadian College Italy 43900 HighSchools Boarding Coed

Laval, Quebec
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"NSAL is the only private English high school on Montreal's North Shore. We offer small classroom sizes and an enriched curriculum. We teach not only for school but for life. Certificate of eligibility not required." —From the school

  • Gr. 7 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $15,400 to $23,850
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North Star Academy 15400 MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Markham, Ontario
McCowan Road/Denison Road
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"Markham, Ontario; IB School; OSSD; OSSD online credit course; NOIC ACADEMY’s annual university enrolment rate is 100% and we have 95.74% of graduates admitted by University of Toronto in 2024." —From the school

  • Gr. 9 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $20,000 to $50,000
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NOIC Academy 20000 HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Newmarket, Ontario
Mulock Drive/Bayview Avenue
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"Pickering College's fully-integrated Global Leadership Program (JK to Grade 12) inspires students to become agents of courageous, ethical and positive change with the confidence, knowledge and skills to shape the future." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $36,300 to $78,300
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Pickering College 36300 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

Gretna, Manitoba
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"Faith is at the center of all we do at MCI- from the court, to the stage, to the classroom. We work to provide a safe space for students to ask questions, dig deeper, grow into who God is calling them to be." —From the school

  • Gr. 9 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $6,800 to $30,500
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Mennonite Collegiate Institute 6800 HighSchools Day Boarding Coed
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Belleville, Ontario
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"Discover an exceptional education. Albert College is an independent boarding and day school for students in Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $21,400 to $85,500
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Albert College 21400 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Windsor, Nova Scotia
College Rd/King St
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"Benefitting from its safe and beautiful Nova Scotia location, King's-Edgehill facilitates the opportunity for every student to Be More – in the classroom, on the sports fields, on stage, in the community and beyond." —From the school

  • Gr. 6 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $24,650 to $72,500
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King's-Edgehill School 24650 MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Markham, Ontario
14th Ave/Kennedy
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"Trillium School is a private school that offers programs from pre-school to grade twelve in Markham with Montessori-based kindergarten." —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; Montessori
  • $9,200 to $41,500
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Trillium School 9200 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Day Coed

Rome, Italy
Ponte Sublicio/Lungotevere Aventino
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"An IB World School located in the heart of Rome. A connected community driven by our 5 core values of Scholarship, Integrity, Creativity, Independence, and Care; culturally inspiring students since 1964." —From the school

  • Gr. 9 to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • EUR €30,495 to EUR €50,948
  • Day, Boarding
  • 308 students
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St. Stephen's School, Rome 30495 HighSchools Day Boarding Coed
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Ottawa, Ontario
Mariposa Avenue/Springfield
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"This traditional private school in Ottawa, Ontario offers Grades 4 to 12 with 100 boarding and 600 day school students. Tuition is from $36,250 to $80,670." —From the school

  • Gr. 4 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $36,250 to $80,670
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Ashbury College 36250 MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Homestay Day Coed

Montreal, Quebec
De Maisonneuve West/Park Row West
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"At Kells, flexibility is the key. We develop programs allowing students to work within their comfort zone, which may be above, below or at grade level. The result is students who outperform even their own expectations." —From the school

  • Gr. K to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $24,200 to $48,800
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Kells Academy 24200 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Homestay Boarding Coed

Kimberley, British Columbia
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"Grateful. Mindful. Purposeful. Successful. At Purcell Collegiate School, we will prep you--for university and for life. Learn more about the Uprep@PCS suite of extra-curricular programs on our website." —From the school

  • Gr. 6 to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $45,000 to $60,000
  • Boarding
  • 60 students
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Purcell Collegiate School 45000 MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Coed

Summerland, British Columbia
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"Want your child to experience an education that goes beyond textbooks? UNISUS is a K-12 IB boarding school that strives to make education an enjoyable, memorable experience that fully prepares students for any future." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $13,290 to $62,450
  • Day, Boarding
  • 130 students
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Unisus School 13290 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Toronto, Ontario
Finch Avenue/Islington Avenue
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"Nile Academy offers small class sizes and a low student-to-teacher ratio, while also following the Ontario Curriculum, ensuring our students are well prepared for the rest of their educational pursuits here in Canada." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $8,500 to $15,000
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Nile Academy 8500 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Bradenton, Florida(USA)
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"IMG Academy is the world's leading sports education brand, providing access and opportunity for student-athletes with an innovative suite of on-campus and online programming." —From the school

  • Gr. 6 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • US $65,000 to US $95,000
  • Day, Boarding
  • 1400 students
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IMG Academy 65000 MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed
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Aurora, Ontario
St. John's Sideroad/Yonge Street
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"With a tradition dating back to 1899, St. Andrew's remains the single largest all-boys boarding school in Canada. Our 126-acre campus provides our students with an ideal setting for learning and growth." —From the school

  • Gr. 5 to 12 (Boys)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $4,100 to $80,800
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St. Andrew's College 4100 MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Boys

Montreal, Quebec
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"Since 1861, The Sacred Heart School of Montreal, the city’s only all-girls English Catholic high school, has been preparing girls to change the world. We offer grades 7 to 12, day school and boarding." —From the school

  • Gr. 7 to 12 (Girls)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • English certificate req
  • $21,790 to $47,559
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The Sacred Heart School of Montreal 21790 MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Day Boarding Girls
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Scarborough, Ontario
Brimley Avenue/Finch Avenue East
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"RCS’s purpose is to unleash the potential in each student and set them on the path for a successful life. We provide rigorous academics with individual attention in a diverse, energizing, and caring environment." —From the school

  • Gr. 7 to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $22,800 to $44,800
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Royal Crown School 22800 MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

Mississauga, Ontario
Hurontario/Bronte College Ct
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"Bronte College integrates rigorous academics, holistic development, and global awareness through STEM education, leadership development, a diverse cultural environment, and inquiry based, hands-on teaching." —From the school

  • Gr. 9 to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $18,000 to $24,600
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Bronte College 18000 HighSchools Boarding Day Coed
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St. Catharines, Ontario
Ridley Road/Henrietta Street
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"Ridley College is an acclaimed co-educational IB boarding and day school that prepares meaningful and flourishing lives by teaching the habits of mind, body and spirit, and the values needed to lead in a global society." —From the school

  • Gr. JK to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $28,875 to $82,975
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Ridley College 28875 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

South Wales, New York(USA)
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"The Gow School is a college-prep boarding and day school for students, grades 6-12, with dyslexia and similar language-based learning disabilities." —From the school

  • Gr. 6 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • US $58,750 to US $80,000
  • Day, Boarding
  • 150 students
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The Gow School 58750 MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Rigaud, Quebec
Rue Saint-Pierre/Rue Bourget
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"Collège Bourget is a day & boarding school located between Montreal and Ottawa. French and English high school programs are offered. Bourget aims to foster personal autonomy, academic development, and perseverance." —From the school

  • Gr. PS to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $5,165 to $33,180
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College Bourget 5165 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

Bracebridge, Ontario
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"Dewey Institute adheres to John Dewey's 'student centered' & 'learning by doing' and the cultivation of harmonious character, sportsmanship, and aesthetic abilities, for a holistic preparing individuals for success." —From the school

  • Gr. 7 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $1 to $29,950
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Dewey Institute 1 MiddleSchools HighSchools eSchool Boarding Day Coed

Stanstead, Quebec
Dufferin Street/Willow Lane
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"An English school in a French milieu, Stanstead College is located on the Quebec-Vermont border, offering rigorous university-prep, Grades 7 to 12 (including AP options), in a secure, family-focused learning environment." —From the school

  • Gr. 7 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $26,500 to $84,500
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Stanstead College 26500 MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Regina, Saskatchewan
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"Luther College prepares students to be compassionate, creative, and critical thinkers who go on to create a more grace-filled, just, and joyful world. Luther College is the only IB World School in southern Saskatchewan." —From the school

  • Gr. 9 to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $10,500 to $42,910
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Luther College High School 10500 HighSchools Day Boarding Coed

Winnipeg, Manitoba
South Dr/North Dr
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"SJR is the world’s leading school in Debating and Public Speaking. It has produced 18 Rhodes scholars and 3 math olympiads. 98% of SJR graduates are accepted to their first choice university program." —From the school

  • Gr. K to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum; Reggio Emilia
  • $27,960 to $75,500
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St. John's-Ravenscourt School 27960 Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

Brantford, Ontario
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"At Haven, we equip our students with critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for core values of honesty, loyalty, perseverance, and compassion." —From the school

  • Gr. 7 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $7,700 to $26,500
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Haven International School 7700 MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day eSchool Coed
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Fort Erie, Ontario
Central Avenue/Wintemute Street
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"FEIA's environment fosters global awareness and advances our student body into responsible and globally aware citizens who are well-equipped for life beyond academics." —From the school

  • Gr. 6 to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum
  • $10,000 to $55,850
  • Day, Boarding
  • 215 students
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Fort Erie International Academy 10000 MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

London, Ontario
Richmond Street/King Street
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"A Canadian Private Secondary Boarding school, located in the heart of London, Ontario. LIA is authorized to grant the Ontario Secondary School and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme." —From the school

  • Gr. 9 to 12 (Coed/Girls)
  • Traditional curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $16,000 to $32,000
  • Boarding
  • 345 students
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London International Academy 16000 HighSchools Boarding Boarding Coed Girls

Victoria, British Columbia
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"Brookes Westshore is an IB World School on Vancouver Island, BC, offering small class sizes, engaging teachers and a caring community to boarding and day students from grades 4 to 12." —From the school

  • Gr. 4 to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum; International Baccalaureate
  • $10,290 to $62,000
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Brookes Westshore 10290 MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

Mill Bay, British Columbia
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"Brentwood is a leading university prep school that brings to life student choice through its bold tripartite program. We are a true boarding school, not merely a school with boarding, and the ocean is our playground." —From the school

  • Gr. 8 to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum
  • $32,000 to $96,300
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Brentwood College School 32000 HighSchools Boarding Day Coed
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Burlington, Ontario
Hwy 6/Dundas Street
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"Our belief is “Forward Learning. Transforming People.” We focus on S.T.E.A.M. collaborative project learning, Gifted Arts, 21st-century skills, and inquiry-based thinking to prepare students with global competencies." —From the school

  • Gr. 9 to 12 (Coed)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum
  • $13,600 to $44,800
  • Day, Boarding, eSchool
  • 124 students
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Laureate College 13600 HighSchools Boarding Day eSchool Coed
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Whitby, Ontario
Garden Street/Hwy. 2
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"Whether exploring science and technology, creating art, or competing in athletics, there is nothing a Trafalgar girl can't handle." —From the school

  • Gr. 4 to 12 (Girls)
  • Liberal Arts curriculum
  • $29,348 to $78,215
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Trafalgar Castle School 29348 MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Girls

St Catharines, Ontario
Ontario St./Welland Ave.
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"Heuristic & autodidactic, inspired by Sudbury & democratic models. Students are self-directed, and holistically empowered. Voluntary attendance, year-round calendar, agency, & consent inspire free learning. Also Forest" —From the school

  • Gr. NS to 12 (Coed/Girls)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $57 to $10,000
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Agate Private School 57 Preschool Kindergarten Elementary MiddleSchools HighSchools Day Boarding Homestay eSchool Coed Girls
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Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia
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"Beginning in Grade 8, our unique Shawnigan journey purposefully guides students through a distinct, unparalleled and bold educational experience on our stunning waterfront campus on Canada’s beautiful West Coast." —From the school

  • Gr. 8 to 12 (Coed)
  • Traditional curriculum
  • $38,000 to $94,500
  • Day, Boarding
  • 550 students
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Shawnigan Lake School 38000 HighSchools Day Boarding Coed
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Rosseau, Ontario
Hwy. 141/Bright Street
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"Through extraordinary learning opportunities rooted in meaningful outdoor education experiences in our unique natural environment, RLC graduates develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to take on any challenge." —From the school

  • Gr. 7 to 12 (Coed)
  • Progressive curriculum
  • $14,200 to $74,900
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Rosseau Lake College 14200 MiddleSchools HighSchools Boarding Day Coed

List of boarding schools


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