Montessori Primary School BONA VENTURA in Szczecin: This school offers modern teaching methods based on the pedagogy of Dr. Maria Montessori. This method uses an individual approach to the child, focusing on current needs, how to verify knowledge, and emotional and social education. Learning at school is divided into two stages. In the first stage, in lline with the Montessori method, children learn in a three-year class, which promotes mutual exchange of experiences, inspires and provides children with optimal social development. This gives them the opportunity to develop skills at their own pace, not in the atmosphere of competition imposed by a group of peers.
Learning in older primary school (one-year) classes, in the second stage of education, is based largely on the project method and individual work. Children learn in program blocks run in properly-prepared school workshops: humanities, the natural sciences, and the exact sciences. The school fully implements the Polish core curriculum, placing special emphasis on learning English, with English classes taking place every day. In English teaching, instruction is based on the Super Minds program developed by Cambridge University Press. This program combines language learning with music, movement, and art, using mathematical, natural, historical, and cultural content. During learning, children also conduct conversations with an English-speaking teacher. The second compulsory foreign language at school is German, which is taught in groups, twice a week. An important feature of the educational process of the school is close cooperation with parents, for whom the school is in frequent contact, organizes numerous workshops, and supports them in home education and upbringing. The school has required uniforms.