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Special needs schools in Poland

Private schools are a great option for special needs students

Special needs schools are geared towards students with physical, linguistic, social, behavioural, and/or psychological issues. Many private schools in Poland offer small classes, tailored instruction, and extra support and resources for students with one or more special needs.

Luckily, there are many great private special needs schools in Poland. This includes non-public special needs schools in Warsaw, Kraków, Poznań, Wrocław, Łódź, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, and Rzeszów. Moreover, there are also English (sometimes called “international”), Polish, and bilingual, English-Polish schools offering support for special students.  continue reading...

List of schools

School  ( = Featured ) Grades Type Languages / Type
1 Robert Land Academy

6727 S Chippawa Road, Wellandport, L0R 2J0
Gr. 5 to Gr. 12 English
1 Liceum Ogólnokształcące Dialogu Kultur Etz Chaim

ul. Żelazna 57, Wrocław, 53-429
Gr. 9 to Gr. 12 Polish Curriculum (Ministry of National Eduction, MEN) English, German, Polish, Spanish
Polish Curriculum (Ministry of National Eduction, MEN)
0 Niepubliczna Integracyjna Szkoła Podstawowa im. Achillesa Ratti
Księcia Ziemowita 39, Warszawa, 03-788
0 Montessori Elipsoida
W. Żeleńskiego 3, Warszawa, 02-403
Gibalskiego 11, Warszawa, 01-190
0 Jaskółka
Wolumen 3, Warszawa, 01-912
0 Nowatorska Szkoła Podstawowa
Bogatki 23, Warszawa, 02-837
0 SPWR Szkoła Podstawowa Wspierania Rozwoju
Toruńska 23, Warszawa, 03-226
0 Szkoła Dać Szansę
Głogowa 2B, Warszawa, 02-639
0 Szkoła Podstawowa Niepubliczna Nr 38 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Ireny Sendlerowej
Skrajna 10, Warszawa, 03-209
0 Super Szkoły Fundacji Pomocy Ludziom Niepełnosprawnym
Bronowska 18, Warszawa, 03-995
0 Krok po Kroku
Orszady 10, Warszawa, 02-797
0 Szkoła Promitis
Wileńska 18 lok. U7, Warszawa, 03-416
0 Montessori International School
Potockiej 38, Poznań, 60-211
0 Nasza Szkoła
Broniewskiego 89, Warszawa, 01-876
0 Niepubliczna Szkoła Podstawowa i Gimnazjum 'Otwarte Drzwi'
Aleja Niepodległości 36, Poznań, 61-714

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Special needs education in Poland

There are many different kinds of special needs schools and programs. Some schools focus only on special needs students, and provide full-time support for them. Others offer a full-time special education class or program for children with some kinds of special needs (a class that takes place alongside other classes). And others offer certain kinds of in-class or out-of-class accommodations for special needs kids.

Each of these schools provides strong support for children with special needs. Only some of them, though, provide support for all types of special needs. Most focus on one or more kinds of special needs. While this isn’t a complete list, there are private schools providing support for one or more of the following kinds of special needs:

Keep in mind, different types of special needs require different support. For instance, a gifted student may require curriculum acceleration or enrichment. A student with ADHD, on the other hand, may need to be placed in a smaller class, whether they can work in a calm and quiet place and get special attention. And a student with dyslexia may need extra time and support for reading and writing assignments.

The importance of school, in dealing with special needs

If you’re child has special needs, it’s important to address them. They can’t just be left to deal with them on their own.

A private special needs school, whether it offers full-time or part-time support, is a step in the right direction. Your child will likely be assigned a special education teacher. They may also receive individualized teaching, tutoring, and resources. This will help ensure they get the support they need, and don’t fall through the cracks.

A special needs education can also help your child avoid some common problems. Children with special needs or disabilities who get help often fall behind in their school work. This can lead to frustration, boredom, and feeling disconnected. It also can lead to social and behavioural issues.

By going to a school that supports their special education needs, your child can avoid these pitfalls. In fact, this can enable your child to excel academically, socially, and emotionally.

Benefits of private schools for special needs

A private or non-public special needs school in Poland can be a great option for many children. A special needs education can provide the right kind of support and environment to help your child reach their full potential. In particular, special needs schools have several major benefits.

Common questions about special needs education

Q: How will my child be supported?
This will depend on many things, including what kind of special education needs your child has. Common ways of supporting special needs students include smaller classes, tailored instruction, tutoring and extra help, and in-class accommodations (such as extra time for tests or assignments).

Q: Will my child fall behind in a special needs school?
This is unlikely. Private and non-public special needs schools have smaller class sizes than other types of schools. The class can resemble a supportive learning group. This means your child's teachers can monitor their unique needs. Also, if your child falls behind they’ll have the chance to catch up through extra help sessions — a staple of private schools.

Q: Will my child interact with other kids who don’t have special needs?
This depends. If your child is in a school devoted only to special needs, then they won’t interact with other kids who don’t have special needs (though they’ll likely interact with these kids out of school). If your child is in a special needs class (that takes place alongside other classes), then they likely will interact with kids who don’t have special needs.

Q: Will my child have lots of social opportunities?
Yes! First and foremost, small class sizes foster interactive classrooms. Second, and most importantly, private schools for special needs students offer lots of extracurricular programs or activities. This will enable your child to interact and socialize with kids with common interests such as chess or dancing.

Choosing a special needs private school in Poland

The best way to identify whether a private school is a fit for your child is to ask a lot of questions; speak with students, parents, administrators, and teachers. Try to envision whether your child will thrive in that school. Moreover, make sure that you are honest during in-person interviews and written applications.

For example, parents may coach their child too much in what to say or how to succeed in the application and interview process. The problem with this strategy is it may not let the school's administrators identify whether their school could help your child flourish.

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