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Private special needs schools in Warsaw

Private and non-public special needs schools in Warsaw, Poland

Special needs schools are geared towards students with certain types of special needs or challenges. This includes learning, physical, developmental, and behavioural and emotional challenges. Many private and non-public schools in Warsaw offer small classes, tailored instruction, and extra support and resources for students with one or more special needs.  continue reading...

List of schools

School  ( = Featured ) Grades Type Languages / Type
0 Krok po Kroku
Orszady 10, Warszawa, 02-797
0 Szkoła Podstawowa Niepubliczna Nr 38 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Ireny Sendlerowej
Skrajna 10, Warszawa, 03-209
0 Niepubliczna Integracyjna Szkoła Podstawowa im. Achillesa Ratti
Księcia Ziemowita 39, Warszawa, 03-788
0 Nasza Szkoła
Broniewskiego 89, Warszawa, 01-876
0 Montessori Elipsoida
W. Żeleńskiego 3, Warszawa, 02-403
0 Szkoła Dać Szansę
Głogowa 2B, Warszawa, 02-639
Gibalskiego 11, Warszawa, 01-190
0 Super Szkoły Fundacji Pomocy Ludziom Niepełnosprawnym
Bronowska 18, Warszawa, 03-995
0 Nowatorska Szkoła Podstawowa
Bogatki 23, Warszawa, 02-837
0 SPWR Szkoła Podstawowa Wspierania Rozwoju
Toruńska 23, Warszawa, 03-226
0 Szkoła Promitis
Wileńska 18 lok. U7, Warszawa, 03-416
0 Jaskółka
Wolumen 3, Warszawa, 01-912

On this page:

Luckily, there are many great private special needs schools in Warsaw. There are also schools supporting children with special needs in the neighbouring regions of Pruszków, Józefów, Łomianki, Marki, Ząbki, and Zielonka.

Special education in Warsaw and Poland

There are many different kinds of special needs schools in Warsaw and across Poland. Some of these schools focus only on special needs students, while others also have classes for other kids as well. And some schools provide full-time support for special needs students, while others offer part-time support.

Warsaw private schools offer five main environments to support students with special needs. Special education can be offered in a dedicated special needs school or class, an integrated class, a withdrawal class, or a regular class with resource support or indirect support.

Each of these schools provides support for students with different types of special needs. Virtually no school, though, provides support for all kinds of special needs. Most have a more narrow focus.

While this isn’t a complete list, there are private schools in Warsaw which support students with one or more of the following types of special needs:

Many special education schools provide support for one or more of these types of special needs. Other less common special needs supported include speech and language disorders and chronic illnesses.

What Warsaw special needs schools have to offer

If you’re child has special education needs, it’s important to address them. They can’t just be left to deal with them on their own.

A special needs school, whether it offers full-time or part-time support, is a step in the right direction. Your child will receive instruction that’s tailored to their strengths and weaknesses. They’ll also receive targeted support in class, and likely out of class. This can help them reach their full potential.

Overall, special needs schools in Warsaw have numerous benefits. Below, we list some of the main ones.

Choosing a special needs school in Warsaw

It’s important to find the right school for your child. If your child has special needs, this can be quite challenging. You should look at several schools in Warsaw and the surrounding area.

What’s most important is whether the school is a good fit for your child. You’ll need to consider some crucial questions.

Private school expo: To learn more, visit our private school expo in Warsaw. Here you can meet with some of the top private schools in Warsaw, and all across Poland, all in the same place. The expo also has informative seminars about private/non-public education in Poland, including the issue of how to choose a school.

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Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of the school information on this site. Please contact schools directly to confirm all details.