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Private schools in Lublin, Poland

Find the top private and non-public Lublin schools

Lublin is the capital of the Lublin province, and is the ninth largest city in Poland in terms of population. In Lublin, there are many private schools and kindergartens. Some of them offer students the option to learn two languages ​​at the same time, for instance, at an international school.

Private schools, as well as private kindergartens, operate all over the city, including the Lublin districts of Abramowice, Bronowice, Southern and Northern Bohemia, Śródmieście, Tatary, Wieniawa, and Wrotków.  continue reading...

List of schools

School  ( = Featured ) Grades Type Languages / Type
0 Szkoła Podstawowa Paderewski w Lublinie
Symfoniczna 3a, Lublin, 20-853
0 Collegium Gostynianum zespół szkół katolickich im. ks. Kazimierza
ul. Droga Męczenników Majdanka 27, Lublin, 20-325
0 Niepubliczna Szkoła Podstawowa Montessori
Nadbystrzycka 162, Lublin, 20-506
0 Niepublicznej Szkoły Podstawowej Montesorii w Lublinie
Nadbystrzycka 162, Lublin, 20-506
0 Niepubliczna Szkoła Podstawowa im. Alberta Einsteina
Jacyny Onyszkiewicza 17, Lublin, 20-783

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Types of schools in Lublin

Non-public schools in Lublin are mainly attended by young people from the Lublin province, but they’re also a place of study for students who come from other provinces and from abroad. Among the many types of private schools in Lublin, you can find the following:

International schools

In Lublin, there are international schools whose main language is English. Schools use the most modern educational approaches and implement current pedagogical ideas. The attitude of openness to the world and intercultural understanding are also promoted.

In these schools, international projects are pursued. Learning takes place using multi-media and modern informational technologies. Learning in these schools takes place in a friendly atmosphere, where students have the opportunity to develop their skills and talents.

IB schools

In Lublin, students can often take the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. As part of this program, the student chooses 6 subjects, of which at least 3 must be taught at an advanced level. Subjects are selected from 6 groups, one subject from each group.

In addition to the 6 subjects selected by the student, there are also mandatory part of the program, including theory of knowledge, creativity, community service, and an expanded essay. Teachers working in private schools where the International Baccalaureate (IB) program is applied are very often enthusiasts actively supporting their students.

Montessori schools and kindergartens

Some private schools in Lublin offer students an education based on the philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori. Both education and childcare at Montessori schools takes place in accordance with the principles of this program, including independence, individualization, free choice, activity, focus, and order.

In schools and Montessori kindergartens using this program, the atmosphere of cooperation prevails: there’s no competition, and teamwork is strongly emphasized. The assumptions of Maria Montessori's pedagogy have been used for over a hundred years. In Poland, the method has gained popularity since the 1980s.

Special education

In Lublin there are private schools that provide education for children and young people with special educational needs. These are institutions that offer comprehensive help for students with various types of challenges.

Benefits of studying in private Lublin schools

Learning in private institutions has many benefits. Parents choosing this type of school or kindergarten are usually in good hands. The advantages of private and non-public schools include:

Lublin non-public schools give their students the opportunity to participate in a large number of extracurricular activities, so that they can pursue their interests, such as language learning, music, theater, film, sports, travel, history, literature, and many more.

Private schools in Lublin cooperate with schools of a similar type in other parts of Europe. In connection with joint educational programs, young people can take advantage of foreign trips during holidays. Children in these schools also learn soft skills, such as communication and the ability to work in a group.

Learning in Lublin

The Lublin educational system has an interesting history. In 1473, the sons of Kazimierz Jagiellończyk and Jan Długosz came to Lublin, who were involved in the education of the royal sons in the Lublin castle. The University of Lublin was established in 1918, and from 1928 it began to operate under the name of the Catholic University of Lublin.

Lublin is one of the oldest cities in Poland. In 2017, the city celebrated its 700th anniversary on the Magdeburg law. Lublin is a cultural and scientific center, and has many monuments and tourist attractions, including in the Old Town: the Lublin Castle, the Krakow Gate, the Trynitarska Tower, the Lublin Countryside Museum, and the State Museum at Majdanek.

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