Villa Montessori (VM): This is a private integrated kindergarten that teaches in Polish and English. Children with special educational needs are welcome, especially from the autism spectrum. VM implements the core curriculum designated by the Polish educational authorities, offering a whole range of educational, movement, and artistic activities. It conducts studies in accordance with the Montessori pedagogy, where children "devote themselves to their daily activities with joy and full concentration." Children acquire knowledge and skills through by well-prepared teachers and the Montessori educational environment--the rooms are divided into thematic areas, and the children, using Montessori materials, themselves look for answers to problems.
The teacher, in turn, supports children and motivates them in their activities and work. Working in accordance with the pedagogy of Dr. Maria Montessori, children learn independence, focus on the task performed, both during individual and group work. Kids also gain confidence in their own strength, social skills, and learn respect for others. The Montessori method is very effective in the treatment of children with special educational needs. For these reasons, VM offers comprehensive therapy for children, and is run and supervised by a team of qualified special educators, Montessori teachers, speech therapists, movement integration therapists (INPP), and sensory integration (SI) specialists. An important feature of these activities is close cooperation with parents.